Taking Care

of the village

It takes a village to raise a child, but who's taking care of the village?

What does it mean to 'take care of the village'?

Through their relationships built, within their village, the child forges and solidifies their self worth, their place and their calling. Children will spend a majority of their early developing and impressionable years in a school setting; therefore, we are their village. When a child is able to depend upon their village, statistics show that they are more capable of applying structure to their life, setting and fulfilling goals, and being receptive to receiving help and support in order to reach their full potential.

Although our children are the center of the village's attention, there is a great need to also look after each other as we guide and teach them. The village mentality understands that the caretaker also needs caretaking and the teacher also needs teaching. In order to build up healthy, strong, and well rounded children, we need to have a community of healthy, strong, and well rounded adults. By creating and maintaining a community of physically and mentally healthy adults, the child will have a robust social and emotional support system.

What supporting your village might

Look like:

Get to know staff and students by name

Make eye contact when talking and be present in the moment - don't get distracted by phone/watch

Notice changes in mood and energy level - offer support, encouragement, an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on

Invest in others, be curious about their interests, build connections

Facilitate time to pause, breathe, process, and reflect

Listen more than you speak

Promote and model a growth mindset

Sound like:

"Do you want to talk more about that later? I can stop in for a few minutes after recess."

"Hi (NAME)! It's so nice to see you, I haven't seen you in a few days! How have you been?"

"You always explain things so clearly and simply. I learn so much from you every time we talk."

"I really appreciate the way you leave such detailed directions. I know it takes you a lot of time but it's so helpful."

"Wow, this morning is already off to a wild start. Want to do some quick breathing exercises with the students?"

At a Glance Slides Deck

“Bringing people together is what I call ‘ubuntu,’ which means ‘I am because we are.’ Far too often people think of themselves as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole world. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity.”

— Desmond Tutu