Kindergarten Info

December 9-13

Important Dates

December 16: Santa Visits O. C. Taylor

December 19: Polar Express Day- Wear pajamas 

December 20: Class Holiday Parties at 10:45 in our classroom and Early Release at 11:45

December 23-January 7: Winter Break, No School! 

Learning Objective

Reading: Students will Identify the topic and central idea in an informational text .

Writing:  Students will choose a topic for a draft

Math: Students will recognize, count, and write numbers 16 - 20. Students will tell one more and one less than a given number.  Students will count on from a given number.

Social Studies:  Students will understand how humans meet their basic needs and wants.  

Sight Words

This week's sight words are:

are, have, out, will

Order Your Yearbook

O.C. Taylor Yearbooks are on sale! You can order a yearbook and create an ad /dedication page online at Our order number for O.C. Taylor is: 17833.


 Below is the day your child's class will go to the library each week! Please make sure your child brings their book back the DAY BEFORE their library day. We always tell our students to keep their book in their backpack at all times (unless they are reading it) so it is always here at school when it's time for the library! 

Riski: Monday

Richardson: Tuesday

Ortiz: Wednesday

Lind: Thursday

Book Bags

Please make sure you have cut out the blue sight word cards.  Also, make sure your child is practicing the letters and sounds they still need to master. 

Ideas to do after your child finishes their book:

-find sight words in the book

-ask your child questions about the book

-retell the story in order  

Don't forget to make sure your child brings their book bag to school EVERY DAY! 

December Birthdays

Morgan 3rd

Ben 6th

Transportation Changes

When making ride changes, picking up students for appointments and absences,  please email both Gene Guinane ( and Paola Cervantes ( in case one of us is out of the office. 

Forget Me Not Shelf

If your child forgets their lunch/snack and you plan to drop it off at school, please be sure to let your child's teacher know in advance. This allows the teacher to check  the Forget Me Not shelf and ensure that your child receives what you brought. 


If you want to come eat lunch with your child, please let your child's teacher know 24 hours in advance. There are tables outside that you and your child can use to eat together! Our lunch time is from 11:50 to 12:20. 


If you plan to volunteer in any capacity this school year, please click here to complete the background check.