
January 8-10, 2024

Happy New Year!

Welcome  to 2025!  We are so excited to have the kids back to school.  With our 3 day week, we will be working on getting back into the routines of school with some favorites in the classroom.

Circle Time

Color Focus-student choice

Shape Focus-Star

Alphabet song

Tap Your Toe

Clap a Friend's Name

Story Time

Snow Dog, Go Dog

Pete the Cat I Love my School Shoes

Work/Play Centers

Toy Center

Home Center



Sensory Table

Light Table


Learning Rotations-Teacher Table, 123 Independent Work, Speech, Fine Motor/Art

Home Extension:   Handling Separation Anxiety 

The holiday break feels like is goes by in a blink for adults, but two and a half weeks at home is a LONG time for a preschooler.   They may be upset or clingy coming back to school after the break.  Here are some tips for preparing to come back to school:

Upcoming Dates and Reminders