2nd Grade

August 19-23

Welcome to Second Grade!

Wow! What an amazing first week of  2nd grade.  Our second graders did an amazing job arriving to school on time, bringing their supplies and coming to school with a smile on their face and ready to learn. Each week in our newsletter, we will communicate lessons that we focused on that week and also give you a preview of the next week's lessons. Please be sure to read our 2nd grade newsletter every week for important dates and information. Thank you, parents and students, for making this a great first week of school. The second grade team looks forward to having an AMAZING YEAR!

Important Dates/Reminders

8/19 P.T.A. Executive Board Meeting (8:15-10:00 a.m.)

8/22 Curriculum Night for 2nd Grade (in O.C. Taylor library) 5:15-6:15 p.m.

8/30 Wear College Colors Day

9/2 Labor Day holiday (no school)

9/6        Grandparents Breakfast (2 people per child) CAFE 8:00-9:15 a.m.

9/9        P.T.A. Executive Board Meeting (8:15 a.m.)

9/12      Spirit Night

9/16 International DOT Day

9/17 Constitution Day

9/19      OCT PTA Tigerfest and Spirit Shop (outside on grounds) 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Dad's Club Shirts

If you want to order a Dad's Club shirt, please click on this OCT Dads' Club Shirt Form link.  We will be closing it and placing the order on Sunday, August 25th.

Miss Hilcher


Reading, Social Studies, and Writing

Mrs. Lee



Mrs. Landry



Mrs. Potter


Reading, Social Studies,  and Writing

Reading and Writing

Ask your child:

What is the setting of a story?

What is a Personal Narrative?

Tell me about Clark the Shark. What is one rhyme you remember?

Week 2 was a GREAT week in our Reading and Writing classes. We dove headfirst into content this week!

We enjoyed reading Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm by Jon Katz and Clark the Shark by Bruce Hale.  Ask your child to tell you all about these books!

During our writing lessons we have focused on the components of a Personal Narrative.  Students are working on identifying the plot, characters, setting, and more!  Encourage your child to explain the elements of a narrative text.

Words to work on this week:


Ask your child:  

What was your favorite math game this week? Why?

Our awesome mathematicians launched their year with creating their Math Journal and Goal Binders, which will hold a lot of fabulous learning data throughout the year.  We have been practicing 2 parts of the Math Workshop Model:  At Your Seat (which is independent work) and Hands On Games (which is partner work. 

Next week, they will work on the final parts of the Math Workshop model:  Meet with Teacher (which is a small group with their teacher) and Technology (working on assignments via their Ipad).  We have been working on basic addition facts this week and playing cooperatively.  We will continue to work on all of this next week and will work with place value using  the  100's chart, too.  


Ask your child: 

What is one topic they want to learn more about in Science this year?

The first week of school, students made a cover for their Science Journal,  Their first entry was to write/draw what a scientist does and what a scientist might look like.

Next week, students will learn how scientists use Claim, Evidence and Reasoning when learning more about a topic.

Claim- a statement that answers the essential question and that they believe to be true based on their observations

Evidence: what is gathered from text and other data and observations

Reasoning-explains how the evidence supports or proves that their claim is true

We will also have our first Science Experiment and learn how to follow the Scientific Process: 

Ask a Question

Form a Hypothesis

Complete the experiment & Make Observations

Record Data

Draw Conclusions

Social Studies

Ask your child

Bucket Fillers

What does it mean to "fill someone else's bucket?"    How could you fill someone's bucket?

This week, we discussed the importance of showing kindness to others. Students listened to the story,  "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?". We discussed the importance of filling someone else's bucket by acts of kindness. Students will be writing notes of kindness called "Bucket Fillers" each week. Students will write short, kind messages to their peers to fill their buckets. Look for these notes to come home every other week in your child's Great Tiger Folder.

Happy, happy birthday to our 2nd graders with a July or August birthday!  

Ava C.                      July 4th

Clark                   July 8th

Janel S. July 14th

Levi N.                     July 14th

Jace C. July 15th

Lila B. July 17th

Ezra V. July 21st

John Robert         July 26th

Grace M. July 31st


Luna P.              August 1st  

Harper H.          August 2nd

Alexa C. August 15th

Lucas V.            August 15th

Ai Han               August 16th

Xavier R. August 16th

Yara O.              August 30th

Class Wish Lists...

We will list a few wish list items that we need for our classrooms. 

If you would like to donate any of these items, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Miss Hilcher: Nothing as of right now! Thank you for your support. 

Mrs. Lee- An electric pencil sharpener and Lysol wipes. 

Mrs. Landry- We are in need of Treasure Box Toys. This is part of our individual and group reward system.

Mrs. Potter-Sanitizing wipes (Lysol or Clorox)