1st Grade Newsletter 

October 14 - 18

Click on the name below to email the teacher.

Important Dates

What are we learning?


I can collect data and record it by using tally marks.

I can identify if both sides of the equal sign are equal. 


I can generate questions/predictions before, during, and after reading.

I can identify features of folktales and retell a folktale.

I can use descriptive language in a text to create mental images of a story’s characters, setting, and events.

I can read a folktale and reflect on my favorite part. 

I can practice building my stamina as I read.

I can read and spell words with digraph /ch/ and digraph /th/ like much, check, which, chill, this, that, then, them, thin, and with. (Test on Tuesday 10/22)

I can plan a first draft and generate ideas for writing.

I can ask and answer questions as I write.

I can organize the structure of my narrative.

I can develop specific details for a narrative ending.

Social Studies

I can explain state and national patriotic symbols.

I can recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag.

I can identify anthems and mottos of the United States.

I can identify anthems and mottos of  the United States.


I can identify the external structures of different animals and compare how those structures help different animals live, move, and meet basic needs for survival.

How can we practice at home?

G1_M3_SL_Family Letter_KD.pdf

Friendly Reminders

1st 9 Weeks Report Card

Your child's 1st 9 weeks report card will be available to view in Skyward on Wednesday, October 16th. Report cards are available at the 9th week of the reporting period. You will be able to view the report in Skyward. We will continue to let you know in the newsletter when reports are available to view in Skyward.

Scoring Reminders:

4 - Mastery of the standard at the currect grade level expectation. 

*Shows mastery all of the time.

3- Meets the standard at the currect grade level expectation. 

*Shows mastery most of the time.

2 - Approaching the standard  at the currect grade level expectation. 

*Shows mastery some of the time.

1 - Below expectations of meeting the standard for the currect grade level expectation. 

*Rarely shows mastery.

Parent Guide 

(Benefits & Frequently Asked Questions) 


Upcoming Red  Ribbon Week  Oct. 28-Nov. 1

On Monday, October 28th students will participate in a grade level dress up challenge for Red Ribbon Week. This year's Red Ribbon Week Theme is, "Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free." First grade has chosen the movie, Moana. First grade's theme is "Wave Unhealthy Habits Goodbye." Your child may dress in any Hawaiian attire that is school appropriate on Monday, October 28th. 

Weekly Library Schedule

Students will check out a new book from the library weekly as long as they return their old books. Please help your child remember to put library books back in his/her backpack after reading them at home. This will help ensure that your child gets to check out a new book at the library every time!

Mrs. McNamara - Tuesday

Ms. Welch - Wednesday

Mrs. Duncan - Thursday

Daily Reading at Home

Your child will continue bringing home a book bag with a book to read and sight words to practice. Students are expected to read daily at home. Please also have your child cut out his/her sight words (if you have not done so already) and place inside the baggie provided. Students should be able to read, spell, and write their sight words, "in a snap." 

iPad and Charger

Please be sure your child brings his/her 100% charged iPad AND charger to school every day.  If your child is new to OCT, we are working on getting your child a device as soon as possible. 

Ride changes

If you find your child must go home a different way than planned, please notify the office by a phone call by at least 2:00 p.m. Teachers and our front office staff do not always have access to email or are busy teaching or helping others. A phone call is required. Sometimes we have only one person in the front office, so we want to provide ample time to be able to meet your needs.


If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please be sure to email (a phone call is not required) your child's teacher, Ms. Paola, and Nurse Katy. It's important for all of these staff members to be contacted in order for your child's attendance to be entered in correctly in Skyward. Thank you so much for emailing paola.cervantes@gcisd.net and katy.faught@gcisd.net along with your child's teacher each time your child is absent from school. 

Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s learning and educational experiences. Up to eight days per year (four per semester) may be excused by a parent note for missed attendance beyond medical, approved excused, and statutorily exemptions. Vacations taken during the school year will be coded as unexcused absences.

Learn more about attendance by visiting the GCISD attendance page on gcisd.net.

A Note From our GLC

Dear First Grade Families,

My name is Robin Weier, and I am your First Grade Level Coordinator (GLC) this year.

My volunteer duties include planning our grade level Winter Holiday, Valentine’s Day & End of Year parties, celebrating our first grade teachers’ birthdays, helping with staff appreciation week, and assisting Ms. Vencill with our first grade music program.

I occasionally send PTA-related emails throughout the year regarding information for these events.

If you would like to have your email(s) on my list, please complete this brief Google Form as OCT staff are no longer able to share any emails with Grade Level Coordinators. Please note that your emails will not be shared with anyone else other than myself.

Looking forward to a great school year,

Robin Weier

1st GLC


Classroom Needs

Duncan Wish List
McNamara Wish List
Welch Wish List