May 11 - 15

BELOW, you will find resources that will help you complete your weekly literacy and math assignments.


This week, practice your comprehension skills with this fun activity:



  1. Print the page to the left, or make an identical copy with paper and pencil.

  2. Fold it into a cube, gluing the tabs together.

  3. As you listen to the "Magic Treehouse" chapters each day, PAUSE at different times and roll the paper cube.

  4. Answer the question you roll on.

  5. BONUS: Ask your mom/dad/sibling the question too and see if your responses are similar.


Practice your math facts with the activity below. Expand the activity by clicking the box & arrow at the top right corner. This activity is self correcting. When you click on a wrong answer, it will direct you to try again. Have fun!

Copy of Copy of Digital Toothy Freebie - Basic Addition