
Monday 5/25

Watch the video, then answer the math questions. Remember to type your name and click the purple submit button!

Watch the video and listen to the directions

Brownie math.mp4

Tuesday 5/26

Watch the video to learn how to play Halves and Wholes using digital pattern blocks.

Make your own spinner on a piece of paper. You will need a paper clip and a pencil.

Halves and Wholes pattern block game.webm

Wednesday 5/27

Bark & Meow Share a Pancake.webm

Watch the video to see how Bark and Meow can share the pancake!

Practice making halves by completing the activity below. Your job is to show 3 different ways Bark and Meow can share a piece of construction paper so that each gets half. You can draw the 3 rectangles and then draw lines to show how they can get fair shares.

Then show one way to cut the paper that is NOT in halves.

Color Half (1).pdf

Thursday 5/28

Watch the video and listen to Mrs. Bie-Meneses. Afterwards, copy or print out this activity and color 1 quarter 3 different ways.

Math lesson 8 - Cluck.webm
math lesson 8 activity .pdf

Friday 5/29

Pizza video.mp4

After watching the video:

Make your own fraction pizza art! Use the template below to help. You can also draw your own circle. Cut the pizza into fourths (making sure to have fair shares!) then decorate your pizza with your favorite toppings. Cheese, pepperoni, olives, peppers, pineapple... the possibilities are endless!

Untitled document (1).pdf