
Monday 5/11

Click the video and listen to Mrs. Bie-Meneses directions. After you're done, click on the activity. Copy the activity on paper or print it out if you can!

10 more 10 less .webm
10 more 10 less activity .pdf

Tuesday 5/12

Number Square- Use the Number Square to help you add and subtract numbers.

Number Square part 1a.webm

Click on the video and answer the questions. **Watch video in full screen!

Number square 1b.webm

Click on the 2nd video and answer the questions. ** Watch video in full screen!

Number Square 1c.webm

Click on the 3rd video and answer the questions. ** Watch video in full screen!

Wednesday 5/13

Number Pieces by The Math Learning Center.webm
Number Pieces Worksheet.pdf

Thursday 5/14

Choral Counting

Click the video and listen to the directions from Mrs. Manderscheid!

Choral Counting 5/5/20.webm

Adding with Number Pieces

Click the video and listen to the directions from Mrs. Manderscheid!

Addition with Number Pieces 5/5/20

Friday 5/15

Watch the counting collections video and listen to Ms. Cornwall and Mrs. Bie-Meneses directions. After you are done watching, find a collection and count!

< greater > less = equal to

counting collections.mp4