
Monday 6/1

Number square May 26.webm

Number Square

Click on the video and listen to Mrs. Manderscheid's directions. Add and subtract 10s from numbers.

Tuesday 6/2

Add & Subtract 10's.mp4

Watch Ms. Cornwall add and subtract multiples of 10. Then answer the questions on the Google form.

*You will need a piece of paper and a pencil to draw your tens for the last question.

Wednesday 6/3

Watch the video to review subtracting multiples of 10. Then answer the questions in the Google form!

*You will need pencil and paper to draw your tens on the last question.

Thursday 6/4

Click on the video and listen to Mrs. Bie-Meneses directions.

subtracting tens .webm

Solve the subtraction equations by drawing tens. Copy the equations or print out the worksheet.

subtract tens worksheet.pdf

Friday 6/5

counting collections 0527.mp4

Counting collections

Listen and watch the video! When you are done, find a collection in your house and count by 10's. You can take a picture and show your teacher your collection!