Resource Room

Hi Families!

6/15 - 6/19

Continue to find posted modified activities and supports for reading, writing, and math under this week's tab.

And just like that; it is our last week of school! What a school year it has been. No one expected for us to finish this year virtually and only see one another through a screen for months. It has been a challenge and adventure for all of us. Thank you all for embracing this time and giving us, teachers, grace as we navigated how to best support you from our homes. Thank you for being open to and trying the new kind of learning we prepared through the weeks.

I miss all of my students dearly and feel sad that we don't get to end this year face to face. I wish you all a happy, relaxing, and fun summer and I am looking forward to the next time I can see your bright smiles.

Throughout the summer, these in-home learning sites will be posted for you to access whenever you'd like. For students who see me for academics and/or social/emotional/behavior, also be sure to visit the "Resource Room" WEBSITE for additional academic activities, ways to help your child manage their emotions at home, and more.

As always, if you have any questions, send me an email.

Mrs. Zaremba, Resource Room Teacher