June 15 - 19

Students who see Mrs. Zaremba for reading, writing, and/or math can find resources and modified activities below.


Below are some activities for extra phonics practice for this week and into summer!


  1. Open one slideshow at a time.

  2. Look at the picture on the slide

  3. Say the picture out loud "i.e. Cube"

  4. Think about what letter should come first in that word

  5. Practice writing the whole word on a piece of paper

O - Beginning Sounds
Copy of Copy of I - Beginning Sounds
Copy of Copy of A - Beginning Sounds
U- Beginning Sounds


Here's a fun phonics game based on the classic, "Chutes and Ladders." See directions in the document.

phonics game.pdf


Comparing numbers WAR:

Play this fun card game with a parent or a sibling, while practicing comparing numbers.

Instructions for the game are in the slideshow. You will need a deck of cards.

Practice Add within 20

Counting on PRACTICE:

Practice counting on to add within 20 with the slides to the left. Record your answers on a sheet of paper.

Word problems PRACTICE:


For this week, I am posting a few more SEL activities than usual. I wanted to add some extra SEL activities that you can refer to throughout the summer!

The one titled "Social Emotional Learning at Home" is meant for this week. Scroll through the slideshow below. To expand it to full-screen, click the box-&-arrow in the top right of the slideshow.

Copy of Zaremba_SEL K-3_6.15
Mood boost bingo.pdf

BINGO Boost:

Pick 5 things in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to do to make yourself feel better! This can be played with the whole family and MANY times throughout the summer!


Control Circles:

There are some things we can control and others we cannot control in life. Have a conversation about things that would fit into each of those categories and write them down in the circles (print this page or create your own template on a piece of paper).

emotions hunt.pdf

Emotions Scavenger Hunt:

Look through your house or room and find all of the things on the scavenger hunt!