Social Studies

Monday 5/25


Watch the Memorial Day video and answer the questions.

Tuesday 5/26

Click on the video and listen to the read aloud. Stephanie's Ponytail by Robert Munsch

  • What is the author trying to teach us in this story?

Wednesday 5/27

Bio poem .pdf

Look at the example and use the template to create your own bio poem below! Click on the pink + on the bottom. Remember to type your name so we know it's your work.

Thursday 5/28

Look at the example and use the template to create your own Best Part of Me writing below! Click on the pink + on the bottom. Remember to type your name so we know it's your work.

Friday 5/29

Celebrate Your Name!

Watch the read aloud and after create name art! Use a white piece of paper and write your name in large letters! Color the sections using bright markers or crayons. Celebrate your beautiful name and your uniqueness!!