Contact Information

Dr. Waarvik's Zoom Room

Phone:  907-260-2328


Office Hours: Normal school days, 8am-4pm

Dr. Joseph Waarvik

Hello! I am excited to be a part of this program. I have been teaching for 10+ years, including 6 years in the Yukon Flats area inside the Arctic Circle. For two of those years I was the principal and teacher at a one-classroom school. The rest of the my teaching career has been spent in Tennessee where I grew up.

Educational technology has been a passion of mine since I began my Master's of Education in Information Technology from Western Oregon University in 2012. I also added an Instructional Design certificate to that degree. I still had a lot I wanted to learn after my Master's, so I enrolled in a Educational Technology doctorate program at Boise State University. I graduated with my doctorate in 2019; my dissertation was focused on including learning games in education.

I have been married for 15+ years and have a smattering of children. My hobbies include reading fantasy novels and playing tabletop games.

Fun Fact:  I am undefeated in Axis and Allies. 

Language Arts

I teach an asynchronous Language Arts 11 and 12. 

View your class here.

Middle School Social Studies/Language Arts

I teach an integrated MS social studies/language arts class in a hybrid format. 

 View your class here.