Newsletter 5 (9/16/22)

If you need this newsletter translated, please visit the Bringhurst Office

Principal's Message

It's amazing to believe it's already been 4 weeks of school!  Students and teachers are working hard, I have been enjoying visiting classrooms and getting to know our students better each day. 

We have been talking with students about playing safely and apologizing when you have done something to hurt someone, either accidentally or on purpose.  It is helpful if you could help reinforce this at home.  We want students to understand that it is the right thing to do to take responsibility for their actions, not to make excuses.  We all make mistakes and we all can do better the next time.  

All students are learning about anti-bullying as well.  We are explaining the difference between someone being rude, mean or a bully.  Oftentimes, the word "bully" is used so frequently, but in reality not everything is an act of bullying.  We want to give students the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and make better choices moving forward.  4th-6th graders are also receiving their annual training on preventing Sexual Harassment.  This  training explains the importance of avoiding situations which may be considered harassment and what to do if you or someone you know is being harassed.  

Thank you for helping us reinforce our Bringhurst Core Values: Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs. Johanna White


Dates to Remember


20- Picture Day

20 - Bringhurst PTO Meeting 6:00 p.m. - Library

21,28 - Early Dismissal Days 1-6th grade 8:25-1:02 p.m.

26 - Boosterthon Kickoff! 

Picture Day is 9/20!

Picture Day is Tuesday, 9/20.  Dorian offers online ordering by visiting their website at, search for the school name and from there follow the prompts to order online. 

Parking Loop

The parking loop is meant to be a safe and efficient way to drop off and pick up your children.  However, it is important that drivers follow the rules to keep kids safe and the traffic moving.   Please pull forward as far as you can before letting your child out of the car.   Students should exit from the passenger side of the vehicle.  When a student exits on the driver side, this is VERY dangerous.  Cars are pulling out and may not see children.  Please DO NOT have students exit from the outside lane of the loop, again, cars are moving and may not see children crossing through cars.  Please have your child's backpack in the car with them, we cannot have students getting items from the trunk.  This holds up traffic and is not safe.  As a reminder, the parking lot is for STAFF only.  Please DO NOT park in numbered parking spots.  You may be parking in a teacher's spot which would make them late to class if they cannot get into their spot. 

Finally, it is very important to us that children are in the car safely.  Babies, toddlers and school age kids should sit in appropriate seats.  Please do not allow your children to sit without their proper car seats. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Bringhurst Start With Hello Parent Info 22-23 (1).pdf

Start with Hello Week - Info and Spirit Days 

Bringhurst Start With Hello Parent Info 22-23_Chinese.pdf

Start with Hello Week - Mandarin Translation

Before School - Playground Rules

As you may know, we offer breakfast beginning at 7:45 a.m. each day.  If you (parent) bring your child to school before 8:10 and are on the playground, you are supervising your own child.  Supervision on the playground does NOT begin until 8:10.  We ask that you say goodbye to your child at 8:10 so that our supervisors are able to supervise students only.  Students follow school rules at all recess and lunch recess times, sometimes when parents are on campus, they are following YOUR rules, which may not align with ours.  For example, students are not to be playing in the plants, bushes, tree areas.  Students are also asked to sit on the cement benches, not run, climb or walk on them.   Please begin helping us say goodbye to your child at 8:10 or after and allow your child to play for a little bit before the bell rings.  

Parents for School Site Council

Thank you to the 2 parents who volunteered to serve on our School Site Council and ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee).  We need a few more parents willing to serve on this committee.  Please find the ballot of names submitted and space for any write in representatives.  Thank you for your consideration. Our first meeting is October 18th at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom. 

Box Tops 4 Education!

Exciting news!  Bringhurst is now registered as a school on Box Tops 4 Education.

Anytime you buy participating products (e.g. General Mills, Annie’s, etc.), you can scan your receipt with 14 days to the Boxtops app, and earn money for Bringhurst. 

Here is the information about Box Tops 4 Education:

Here is the list of participating products that qualify (you can also see the Box Tops logo on product packaging as well): 

Family Eat Out Night, 9/27

Please join us for our first Bringhurst Family Eat Out Night, Tuesday 9/27 at any Panda Express by using the online ordering link or app.  More information in the flyer.  Thank you for dining to donate! 

5th/6th grade information

If you would like to be included in information for 5th/6th grade upcoming activities parents are organizing, please include your information on the spreadsheet attached.  Providing information is optional.   Activities planned by the school will be communicated to you via the teacher or parent newsletter. 

Don’t Miss Out! | Our Blazer Fun Run Details! 

Lila Bringhurst Elementary families!

We’re only ONE week away from our Blazer Fun Run and our students and staff are so excited! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together.

⭐️  Log into MYBOOSTER.COM today to get started!  ⭐️

Register & share today to help our school reach our goal of $10,000 for students & staff.

Check out this 30 second video about our upcoming event >> Click for Fun!

Thank you for supporting our school - we are grateful for our amazing school community!

Noon Supervisors Needed!

We are still looking  for Noon Supervisors.  This is a paid position.  Hours are 11:00 a.m. -1:15 Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Friday and 11:00-12:30 on Wednesdays and Early Days.  Please email Mrs. White or Paulina Sanchez for the hiring packet if you are interested.  We thank you in advance

Bringhurst PTO Facebook Page

The Bringhurst PTO members have created a Facebook page and would like to invite you to join.  The page can be accessed via this link: 

We will be using this page to keep parents posted on all upcoming events/news on a regular basis.

We look forward to having you join us on this page.

Bringhurst Membership Form.pdf

Join the Bringhurst PTO

Please consider joining the Bringhurst PTO!  All funds raised directly impact YOUR students THIS year!  Thank you in advance!  Our first meeting is this Tuesday, 9/20 at 6:00 p.m. 

Bringhurst Office 

If you need to report your child's absence or have general questions you can call or email or stop by.  Our main line is 510-490-1205.  If we are helping parents or students we may not be able to answer your call.  Please leave a message and we will return your call within 24 business hours.  Our office hours are: Mon-Thursday 8:00-3:30 p.m. Friday 8:00-3:00 p.m.

Delia Pulido, Attendance:

Paulina Sanchez, School Secretary:

Johanna White, Principal: