Newsletter 2 (8/26/22)

Principal's Message

We have finished our first full week!  We are all getting into the routines and things seem to be going smoothly for the most part.  We have made a slight adjustment to the lunch schedule on Wednesdays and Early Days for 3-6th grade students.  We have found the need to stagger the lunch time a little later so that there is no overlap between the 1st/2nd graders and the 3rd-6th grade students.  3rd grade will now go to lunch at 11:40 instead of 11:26 and end at 12:25.  4th-6th grade students will go to lunch at 11:44 instead of 11:30 and end at 12:25.  The Bell Schedule has also been updated. 

I wanted to take the time to give a special note of thanks to Mr. Lechner, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Mar for helping us out with crossing guard, and noon supervision over the past week and a half.  Your help is much appreciated. 

Typically, newsletters will be sent bi-weekly, but with so much information needing to get out, I will send out weekly newsletters until it settles down. 

Next week, teachers will be holding Virtual Back to School Night on Tuesday, 8/30.  Classroom presentations will be held from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Most teachers plan to record their session if you are unable to attend for any reason. 

There will be a Principal's welcome at 5:00 p.m. which will include some presentations from our Specialist Teachers, Counselor, and CIPCF and PTO Presidents.  These presentations will be recorded and posted to our website for anyone unable to attend.  The Zoom Link for the Principal's Welcome can be found here.  


Mrs. Johanna White


Noon Supervisors Needed

We are still looking  for Noon Supervisors.  This is a paid position.  Hours are 11:00 a.m. -1:15 Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Friday and 11:00-12:30 on Wednesdays and Early Days.  Please email Mrs. White or Paulina Sanchez for the hiring packet if you are interested.  We thank you in advance. 

Classroom Photographers/Yearbooks

Dear Student Guardians,

This is an informational email to introduce you to the Shutterfly Classroom Yearbook (Yearbook) and to solicit your help.  I wanted to give you a bit more information about what being on the Yearbook Committee entails.  

The Yearbook is an individual Classroom Yearbook consisting of candid photos taken throughout the school year.  Photos and editing are done by Parent Volunteers.  The volunteers of each class are responsible for photographing events and editing the Classroom Yearbook.  If there is no Editor - there will not be a Yearbook for that Classroom.  Committee heads and Teachers are not responsible for the Classroom Yearbook - only those who have volunteered will be.  Volunteers work with their Teachers to be the least disruptive to the class and you will be given a Photo Pass granting you access to campus (although you still need to sign in).  

Here is an example of one of our books: 


The Yearbook is an individual Classroom Yearbook consisting of candid photos taken throughout the school year.  Photos and editing are done by Volunteers.  The Volunteers of each class are responsible for photographing events and editing the Classroom Yearbook.  If there is no Editor - there will not be a Yearbook for that Classroom.  Committee Coordinators  and Teachers are not responsible for the Classroom Yearbook - only those who have volunteered will be.  Volunteers work with their Teachers to be the least disruptive to the class and you will be given a Photo Pass granting you access to campus (although you still need to sign in).  

This email is sectioned into 2 parts - a brief  summarized version then a longer, more detailed version.  If you are still interested in joining, please fill out our form - Google Sheet: and we will add you to our ranks.  If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


By agreeing to be a part of the Yearbook Committee, you are commiting to:









Thank-you for reading this in its entirety.

-Ellena (Emileen Fu/5th-Tsung, Marliah Fu/2nd-WChen)

Shutterfly Yearbook Coordinator


Have a nice day! :-)

Ellena Mar; PharmD, APh, BCACP

510.332.4868 (c)

Dates to Remember


30- Virtual Back to School Night 5:00 - Principal's Welcome, 6:00 Classroom Presentations (Zoom link provided by teacher)

31 - Early Dismissal 1-6th grade 8:25-1:02 p.m. 


5 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL

6 - Early bird/Late bird starts for EO Kindergarten classes

6- CIPCF Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

School Site Committee - Parents Needed

We are currently looking to build our School Site Council and ELAC Committee.  We will need at least 5 parents to serve on this committee.  In addition, we are looking for a parent to represent Bringhurst at the DELAC meetings (District English Language Acquisition Committee).  If you are interested in serving on this committee, please submit your name here by, 9/2/22.  A separate ballot will be sent out for a parent vote after 9/2/22.  

What is School Site Council?

Be the school’s governing committee that determines the best use of allocated state and federal funds in order to provide an optimal academic experience for each of their students

What is ELAC?

The ELAC shall be responsible for advising the principal and staff on:

Copy Paper Drive

We are holding a copy paper drive.   If you are interested in donating a ream or more of copy paper, we would greatly appreciate it.  You can drop it off in the office and we will put it in the teacher work room for all staff to use.  Thank you in advance. 

Meetings with Teachers

Please email your teacher if you would like to meet with your child's teacher.  Teachers are often very busy afterschool trying to get students to their guardians OR need to get to their after school supervision duty.  Teachers will return your email with a time to meet. 

Walk and Roll to School - October 12!

We are looking for a Walk and Roll to School Coordinator.  This person would be responsible for coordinating Walk and Roll to school events here at Bringhurst.  If you are interested, please email Mrs. White  for more information.   It would  be great if we could participate in the International Walk and Roll to School Day happening on October 12. 

Mid Autumn Festival - Poster Contest

Mid Autumn Festival is being held on September 9th from 6-8 p.m.   Poster submission deadline is September 1st.  Entries can be turned into the Main Office. 

Drop off/Pick up Reminders

Please say goodbye to your children at the gates.  If your child is eating breakfast, your child can sit at the picnic tables for breakfast from 7:45-8:10.  At 8:10, recess begins and Bringhurst Staff are on supervision duty.  Even parents on the playground should get into the habit of saying goodbye at the gate.  

If you are using the loop for drop off or pick up, please remember to stay in the car.  Staff will do our best to open doors for students.  If your child is unable to get out of their car seat, you may need to park and walk with your child.  The loop is meant for quick but safe drop off/pick up.  When parents are out of the car, this holds up the flow of traffic.  Thank you for your cooperation. 

If you are waiting at the picnic tables for your child after school, please leave campus as quickly as possible.  We need to be able to quickly identify students waiting for their grown up and bring them up to the office by 3:05 p.m. 

Family Resources - Workshops

FUSD - Fed&State Dept. host monthly workshops for parents and caregivers, and our first one is on Navigating FUSD are happening next week! Below you will find information below along with a list of all the workshops we will be hosting this year. Please find the Family Resources site where families will find news, resources, slides and recordings from past presentations, information and more. FUSD families are invited to attend.  

Navigating FUSD - Elementary Schools

Monday August 29 

6:00 - 7:30pm

Zoom link

Covid Testing 

We will once again be hosting Covid Testing for students of Bringhurst.  Our tentative testing day is Friday and should begin next week if staffing is available. Please call our office to confirm if testing has started.  Testing is always available at the District Office from 7-3 p.m. each day.  

We All Belong at Bringhurst

Dear Bringhurst Families,

It was brought to my attention earlier this week, there were some conversations overheard of racist and mean content.  I would like to remind everyone that whether students are part of the English only classes or Mandarin Immersion we ALL belong at Bringhurst.  It is important for students to see differences  as gifts and opportunities to learn.  We are teaching our students here at Bringhurst to Be Your Blazer Best:  Be Kind, Be Safe and Be Responsible.  Families are the first teachers, please help us model inclusivity, kindness and acceptance of everyone regardless of their race, culture, creed, gender, etc.  

Thank you.  Mrs. White

Phone Calls from Bringhurst

We often call home if students are sick or have a bathroom accident.  It is important that you have the Bringhurst phone number in your phone so that you can be reached.   Please be sure to answer the phone so that we can give you information about your child quickly.  If your child is sick or needs to be changed because of a bathroom accident, it is important someone can come quickly.  

Bathroom accidents still require parents or caregivers attention.  We do not allow students to store soiled clothing in the backpack due to health concerns.  

Bringhurst Office Phone: 510-490-1205

Bringhurst Office 

If you need to report your child's absence or have general questions you can call or email or stop by.  Our main line is 510-490-1205.  If we are helping parents or students we may not be able to answer your call.  Please leave a message and we will return your call within 24 business hours.  Our office hours are: Mon-Thursday 8:00-3:30 p.m. Friday 8:00-3:00 p.m.

Delia Pulido, Attendance:

Paulina Sanchez, School Secretary:

Johanna White, Principal: