Newsletter 3 (9/2/22)

If you need this newsletter translated, please stop by the Bringhurst Office. 

Principal's Message

We've officially finished 2.5 weeks of school, and it's officially September!  The first day of school seems so long ago.  A big thank you for all of your cooperation and support as we have been working through how things work at Bringhurst.  

Thank you all for attending Back to School Night on Tuesday. Teachers have reported a great turnout in their classes.   I know how much you all want to come on campus and see your child's classroom, we are hopeful we will return to in person events like this in the future.  The recording of my Principal's Welcome and Slide Deck are linked below.  Many of your teachers also recorded their session or provided you copies of their slide decks.  If you have questions or would like to meet with your child's teacher.  Please email them.  Sometimes, parent emails will go to SPAM the first time, so if they don't respond within 24 business hours, maybe ask your child to mention that you have sent an email.  Teachers will respond to  you and schedule time to meet or discuss your concerns if needed or requested.  

We are excited to be participating in the Boosterthon Blazer Fun Run this year!  This event will help us raise much needed funds for all of our Bringhurst students.  We've set our goal at $10,000, but would love to be able to bring in much more than that! We will have a schedule out closer to the event so that you can come and cheer on your Blazer! 

I hope you all enjoy your long Labor Day Weekend.  


Mrs. Johanna White


Calendar of Events


5 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL

6 - CIPCF Meeting 6:00 p.m.  Zoom Link

9- Boosterthon - Blazer Fun Run Registration Opens

20 - Bringhurst PTO Meeting 6:00 p.m. - Bringhurst Library

26 - Boosterthon Kickoff!  


Bringhurst families!


We are excited to kick off our Blazer Fun Run on September 23rd. Our goal is to raise $10,000 for supporting our new school campus.  


Our school is relying on fundraising to provide exceptional opportunities to enhance student learning and we need YOUR HELP registering your student(s) and sharing with friends and family.


Mark your calendars for the Blazer Fun Run fundraiser kicking off soon!


Key dates to remember: 

●  REGISTRATION OPENS - September 9th

      Register on MYBOOSTER.COM

●  Blazer Fun Run Kick Off - September 23rd

●  Event Day - October 4th


We are grateful for our Bringhurst family! Thank you for your support this year.

Reporting Your Child's Absence

If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the office to report the absence.  You can call the main office line: 510-490-1205 option 7 to report the absence OR you can email Mrs. Sanchez or Mrs. Pulido in the office:,   Emailing your child's teacher may still result in you getting a phone call from our automated dialer.  Teachers are often too busy to check emails during the school day and your child's absence will be unexcused until we hear from you. Thank you for your understanding. 

Bathroom Accidents

As students are transitioning back to the routine of school, we are finding some are having bathroom accidents.  While we understand this is normal and typically resolves itself quickly, we do want to point out a few important points.  Students should not have extra clothes in their backpacks.  As an elementary school student, most children do not typically have frequent bathroom accidents.   We cannot allow students to change themselves.  We do call parents to come and either: pick them up and take the student home or bring a fresh change of clothes and ask to clean them up and take the soiled clothes home.  We cannot have students carrying soiled clothing in their backpack for the safety of them and others around them.  We do not have a hazmat disposal box to dispose of soiled clothes.  We appreciate you coming quickly to change your child or taking them home.  We are not trying to inconvenience you, and want to get your student back to class as quickly as possible. 

Back To School Night - Principal's Welcome Presentation

Thank you for joining us for our FIRST Back to School Night at Lila Bringhurst Elementary.  Thank you to our Specialists who we are so fortunate to have working with our students and a big thank you to our Bringhurst PTO and CIPCF who have already supported us in so many ways.  Please find the presentation here for your review.   Here is the recorded version of the Principals' Welcome presentation.

Passcode: 9hLw9=zH 

Covid Testing - Bringhurst

We will have on site Covid Testing for students and staff of Bringhurst on Fridays from 8-11:30 a.m. Students and staff will need to register again this year and complete a new waiver before testing.  Testing will be in the main office.  You may have to wait outside while others are testing. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Science Camp - 5th/6th Grade

Unfortunately, 5th and 6th grade students will not be attending Science Camp this year.  Teachers have decided instead to plan various end of the year activities specifically for 5th and 6th graders as well as a Promotion Ceremony.  While we know this is disappointing, teachers are not comfortable or able to take on the numerous hours of planning and preparation trips of this nature require. Thank you for your understanding. 

Message from our Counselor

Ms. Wisefield, School Counselor has shared a video for parents here.  She is looking forward to working with the students of Bringhurst. 

Bringhurst Membership Fillable Form (1) (1).pdf

Join Bringhurst PTO!

Please consider joining the Bringhurst PTO!  All funds raised directly impact YOUR students THIS year!  Thank you in advance!

Check out Bringhurst PTO Facebook Page!

The Bringhurst PTO members have created a Facebook page and would like to invite you to join.  The page can be accessed via this link: 

We will be using this page to keep parents posted on all upcoming events/news on a regular basis.

We look forward to having you join us on this page.

Noon Supervisors Needed

We are still looking  for Noon Supervisors.  This is a paid position.  Hours are 11:00 a.m. -1:15 Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Friday and 11:00-12:30 on Wednesdays and Early Days.  Please email Mrs. White or Paulina Sanchez for the hiring packet if you are interested.  We thank you in advance. 

Bringhurst Office

If you need to report your child's absence or have general questions you can call or email or stop by.  Our main line is 510-490-1205.  If we are helping parents or students we may not be able to answer your call.  Please leave a message and we will return your call within 24 business hours.  Our office hours are: Mon-Thursday 8:00-3:30 p.m. Friday 8:00-3:00 p.m.

Delia Pulido, Attendance:

Paulina Sanchez, School Secretary:

Johanna White, Principal: