September 12, 2018

Vision21 - Digital Learning Initiative Updates

Chromebooks Updates


    • Chromebooks for the high school are tentatively scheduled to arrive the first week of October. Once on-site they will be setup for distribution and should be in-place shortly thereafter.

Grades 3-8

    • All Chromebooks have been distributed to 3-8.

Grades 3-8 - New Students

    • If new students arrive, please notify the librarian and a temporary device will be provided. Librarians will notify Helpdesk which will issue a permanent device to the new student or associated classroom.

Grades 3-8 - Broken or Missing Chromebooks

    • Broken or missing Chromebooks - Please report to librarians. A temporary device will be provided by the librarian.

Projectors, Interactive Whiteboards and Digital Displays

    • Interactive whiteboards and projectors that are in disrepair (aside from bulb replacement) will be scheduled for replacement with a digital display. This will be accompanied by a touchscreen Windows laptop / tablet. This process will occur as quickly as possible.

Instructional devices

    • New teacher laptops will be available shortly to replace aging devices or those that are in disrepair. The new touch screen Windows devices do not require docking stations and are best suited for casting to the anticipated digital displays.
    • Document cameras - Our new iPevo portable document cameras will replace current models as they become obsolete. The new iPevo can also serve as a high resolution webcam.

K-2 Classroom Technologies

    • The new K-2 touch screen Chrome desktops will be available for install the second week of October. The touch screens are 22 in. and will require sufficient desk space in each classroom. The plan is to provide 4-5 stations in each K-2 classroom.

Instructional Software Review

    • All district software and service applications are being reviewed throughout the 2018-2019 school year. A new instructional service/software review form will be available shortly. In order to maintain support, all software will be acquired and implemented through the Technology Department.

Professional Development and Training

    • Please schedule both professional development and training through Dan Sherman. In addition to instructional needs, Dan can assist with transitioning away from faxing or other technology-based efficiency related needs.
    • Review of the summer professional development plans will occur over the next several weeks. Plans will be posted online for all to share.

Your Questions, Our Answers (FAQ)

How do I find out more information about the DLI Timeline?

Please check out the Vision21 article above.

Have a question, concern or request about the DLI?

Use the form below to send your thoughts to us. Or simply e-mail Dom Lisi: or Dan Sherman:

G-Suite & Chrome Highlights

Voice Typing in Google Docs; More Than Just Words

Many people know about using voice typing in Google Docs to help them input text and quickly and efficiently. However, many do not know that there are a lot of editing features built into voice typing. For example, you can say, "Select first paragraph." to select an entire paragraph, then say, "Italicize" to change it's formatting. All with your voice.

The first step is to get used to the commands for selecting. Last week, I introduced those commands. This week, I'll be highlighting the Formatting Commands.

To format text you've already selected, say the commands bulleted below:

Basic Formatting

  • Apply heading [1–6]
  • Apply normal text
  • Apply subtitle
  • Apply title
  • Bold
  • Italicize
  • Italics
  • Strikethrough
  • Subscript
  • Superscript
  • Underline
  • All caps [word or phrase]
  • Capitalize [word or phrase]

Note: "All caps" makes the word or phrase all capital letters. "Capitalize" capitalizes only the first letter.

Text color and highlighting

  • Text color [color]
  • Highlight
  • Highlight [color]
  • Background color [color]
  • Remove highlight
  • Remove background color

Note: The colors available are: red, red berry, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, cornflower blue, purple, magenta, black, white, and gray. For all colors except black and white, you can add "light" or "dark" along with numbers 1-3 (for gray, 1-4), such as "dark purple 3." If you say "highlight" by itself, the highlighting color is yellow.

Font size

  • Decrease font size
  • Increase font size
  • Font size [6-400]
  • Make bigger
  • Make smaller

Paragraph formatting

  • Decrease indent
  • Increase indent
  • Line spacing [1-100]
  • Line spacing double
  • Line spacing single


  • Align center
  • Align justified
  • Align left
  • Align right
  • Center align
  • Left align
  • Right align


  • Apply 1 column
  • Apply 2 columns
  • Apply 3 columns
  • Column options
  • Insert column break

Font size

  • Decrease font size
  • Increase font size
  • Font size [6-400]
  • Make bigger
  • Make smaller

Paragraph formatting

  • Decrease indent
  • Increase indent
  • Line spacing [1-100]
  • Line spacing double
  • Line spacing single


  • Create bulleted list
  • Create numbered list
  • Insert bullet
  • Insert number

Remove formatting

  • Clear formatting
  • Remove formatting
  • Remove bold
  • Remove italics
  • Remove strikethrough
  • Remove underline

Instructional Technology Support

2 Minute Tech Tutorials

2 Minute Tech Tutorials are open with more videos to come. Click on the logo at right to access the district page where the videos will be organized or you can subscribe to our YouTube page.

1:1 Instructional Resources & Success Stories

What's the rest of the world doing with 1:1?

Eliminate Paperless Classroom from Your Vocabulary Forever

Eric Patnoudes

Published on Dec 7, 2016

I think this is one of the most misleading terms in education today. Right up there with “engagement,” but don’t get me started. That’s for another post.

There’s nothing wrong with paper in a technology rich environment. If by “paperless” you mean passing out/turning in assignments digitally, or taking notes in a Google doc instead of paper… Can we call it something else?

Instead of paperless classroom, let’s call it what it is… an efficient classroom or any of it’s synonyms: organized, methodical, systematic, logical, orderly, businesslike, streamlined, productive, effective, cost-effective, labor-saving.

None of these terms send the wrong message to a teacher who is new at integrating technology in the classroom that we somehow need to eliminate the existence of paper in our schools. Paper will always have a place in education. It’s great for everything from drawing out ideas, making diagrams, taking notes, doing math, doodling, sketchnoting, making reminders, and most of all… increasing retention and comprehension, I.e. learning.

Please stop sending teachers the wrong message with Tweets, presentations and top 10 lists of apps about having a paperless classroom. At no point in time was “paperless business” or “paperless hospital” a thing. Nor should it be one in education. It is 2016 and all of the so called benefits of a paperless classroom are nothing new in other industries, nor were they ever celebrated. It has nothing to do with removing paper, and everything to do with efficiency, cost savings and saving our planet.


ChronoZoom is an educational tool for teachers and students who want to put historical events in perspective. A great many resources have already been created in ChronoZoom for your enjoyment and enlightenment.

It's use could encompass everything from Earth Science to Human Prehistory and History to Shakespeares' Life's Work. The sky's the limit.

Check it out at: ChronoZoom