March 28, 2018

Your Questions, Our Answers (FAQ)

How do we get the prize for being one of the first people to read this newsletter?

  • Read this newsletter and all its linked articles.
  • Click here to answer 2 questions (you can use this newsletter as a reference) correctly.
  • Be one of the first 5 to respond with the correct answers.

Have a question, concern or request about the DLI?

Use the form below to send your thoughts to us. Or simply e-mail Dom Lisi: or Dan Sherman:

G-Suite & Chrome Highlights

Chromebook Keyboard Shortcuts

Chromebooks have a lot of keyboard shortcuts that can be used to perform frequently used functions quicker than using the mouse. Some of these shortcuts are already in use on Windows devices, such as those for undo, copy and paste, but there are many more than can be useful to both students and staff with Chromebooks.

Let's look at some of the most useful (IMO):

  • Search+L will lock your screen.
  • Ctrl+z will undo your last action. (use it repeatedly to keep going back)
  • Ctrl+c will copy whatever is selected (text, images, etc.).
  • Ctrl+v will paste what's been copied.
  • Alt+1 will open the first app/website listed in your shelf (Alt+2, etc. continues down the line on the shelf)
  • Ctrl+f will open up the Find dialog where you can search within documents/websites for certain text.
  • Ctrl+(window switcher key) takes a screenshot of everything on the screen.
  • Ctrl+Shift+(window switcher key) gives you some crosshairs (+) that allows you to 'snip' a screenshot of any rectangular area of the screen.

The window switcher key on a Chromebook is near the center of the uppermost row of keys.

Want to learn even more keyboard shortcuts?

Use Ctrl+Alt+/ to access an onscreen tutorial that shows you every keyboard shortcut on a Chromebook.

Instructional Technology Support

2 Minute Tech Tutorials

2 Minute Tech Tutorials are open with more videos to come. Click on the logo at right to access the district page where the videos will be organized or you can subscribe to our YouTube page.

1:1 Instructional Resources & Success Stories

What's the rest of the world doing with 1:1?

Converting old laptops to Chromebooks helps low-income students


There is a clear digital divide in society today. The divide exists between those who have access to technology and those who do not. As a result, students without the necessary technology tools are unable to compete on a level playing field. For students from low-income families, technology is often simply out of reach . . . read more.

The Chromebook Crusades: How to Win the War Against Technology

I always knew there was a place for technology in my classroom—and not just for typing papers. Yet when my school district began to push for integrating more technology into lessons, I initially refused; I dug my heels in and said no. Why? Because no one could understand my need to have my questions answered: What will that look like? And how, in my English classroom, did I move away from using technology for substitution and use it to transform student learning?

Crickets. No answers. So I chose to do what I had been doing—nothing. If I couldn’t get the answers and support I needed to move forward, I would stand in resistance to using technology in any new way.

My resistance was short lived with the announcement that our school would be going one-to-one . . . read more.