December 19, 2018

Cyber Ethics & Safety

Is your district AD (Windows/SchoolTool etc.) or Google password secure? Is your banking or other personal password secure?

Every year SplashData releases a comprehensive analysis of the more than 5 million passwords leaked on the Internet. Just to be clear, these are ALREADY LEAKED. These are the passwords that hackers/phishers try first because they know that MILLIONS of you have these as your passwords.

Take a look at the top 25 below and . . .

go change your passwords to something very different than these passwords!

Change your AD password on any district-managed Windows device by hitting CTRL+ALT+DEL and choosing "Change a password"

Change your Google account password by going to and selecting "Password".

1 123456

2 password

3 123456789

4 12345678

5 12345

6 111111

7 1234567

8 sunshine

9 qwerty

10 iloveyou

11 princess

12 admin

13 welcome

14 666666

15 abc123

16 football

17 123123

18 monkey

19 654321

20 !@#$%^&*

21 charlie

22 aa123456

23 donald

24 password1

25 qwerty123

Want to see all 100?

Your Questions, Our Answers (FAQ)

Have a question, concern or request about the DLI?

Use the form below to send your thoughts to us. Or simply e-mail Dom Lisi: or Dan Sherman:

Instructional Priorities - Tech Tools and Strategies

Each week I'll be adding tech tools or strategies for some of the FCSD Instructional Priorities. Check back each week for new content!

#1 - Learning targets are embedded explicitly throughout instruction.

#2 - Teacher uses a system/process for checking all students' progress toward learning target(s) at multiple points in the lesson. (FOCUS for 2018-19)

#3 - Students are provided specific feedback leading to mastery of learning target(s).

#4 -Teacher probes for deeper understanding using a variety of questioning techniques and question types.

#5 -Students discuss responses to questions or work together in pairs or small groups. (FOCUS for 2018-19)

#7 -Literacy development is a central component of the instruction observed.

Instructional Technology Support

2 Minute Tech Tutorials

2 Minute Tech Tutorials are open with more videos to come. Click on the logo at right to access the district page where the videos will be organized or you can subscribe to our YouTube page.

Secondary Digital Learning Tip of the Week