December 5, 2018

Your Questions, Our Answers (FAQ)

Have a question, concern or request about the DLI?

Use the form below to send your thoughts to us. Or simply e-mail Dom Lisi: or Dan Sherman:

Exploring the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)

Each week, we'll highlight either a practice video or lesson from Fulton from the TIM website or lessons from Fulton and attempt to assess where it falls on the Technology Integration Matrix.

Each week we will be highlighting a different part of the Technology Integration Matrix.

NYS Postal Stamp - TIM Lesson/Resource Presentation

TIM Lesson Presentation - NYS Postal Stamp Design

When attempting to align teacher practice to the Technology Integration Matrix certain guiding questions can help in deciding what level of technology integration a particular lesson has as well as it's impact on meaningful learning environments.

  • To what extent do the students have direct access to technology tools?
  • Who is making decisions about which technologies to use and when to use them? The teacher, the students, or both?
  • Do the students have the ability to choose among multiple technology tools and apply them to meaningful learning activities?
  • What questions would you have for the teacher about his or her decisions about how technology is integrated in this lesson?
  • What changes to this lesson might change its TIM profile?
  • What suggestions would you have for this teacher about this lesson?

G-Suite Apps & Chrome Highlights

New and Coming Soon to Google Classroom


Add Classwork Page to Old Classes

You're now able to take a class that was created before mid-August 2018 and add the new and improved "Classwork" page.

Directions: Click and open your class. In the bottom left corner click the "?". Select, 'Add Classwork Page'.

Quiz Assignment

Starting this week, you should be able to create a quiz using Google Forms directly in a new Google Classroom (only those that have a "Classwork" page).

Using the 'Create' button on the "Classwork" page now has the option to create a "Quiz Assignment". This should save some time and work for teachers who want to create quizzes, tests, quick checks and exit tickets on the go. Learn more about creating a quiz using Google Forms.

Contact Dan Sherman if you need more guidance.

Coming Soon

"Locked Mode Quizzes" are available now for beta users and should be available in the next month or so to all users. You'll be able to use a Google Forms Quiz in "Locked Mode" which will prevent students on Chromebooks from using any other websites while they are taking the quiz.

A Google Classroom Gradebook will become available for beta users and should be available soon to all users. This is a class-wide gradebook with enhanced features. Stay tuned for more details.

Instructional Technology Support

2 Minute Tech Tutorials

2 Minute Tech Tutorials are open with more videos to come. Click on the logo at right to access the district page where the videos will be organized or you can subscribe to our YouTube page.
