Eh??? Well, besides numerous MANCM secret projects that each member has, Ethan has BRAINWASHING and BRAINWAVE MONITORING devices put everywhere. This was only possible after the end of the expedition led by the prototype Omniverserous (Known to most as the Phaser Five, meant to designate the fifth prototype. The Omniverserous was built as the eighth prototype, while the sixth was used for mock testing... the seventh was stripped down into spare parts used to build the Overpower and Ethan's other projects, namely his Supertrain, with the eighth finally being made into the Omniverserous, which launched about a month after the USS Horizon Kai, which was under a basement of an indoor playing field/playing hall/multipurpose room/hologram tactical planning and training area.), which tragically... was presumed lost after mysterious circumstances in a dark cloud that would menace the outer worlds and realms of the MANCM. Many hull fragments were found scattered around the area of the last known signal. Meanwhile, 808, Xander, and the Bartender were all trapped in a time loop, reliving a certain period of time over and over until they figured out how to break the loop and escape Earth-N, which was then inducted into the list of all the previous similar-phenomenon Earth list. The Omniverserous would combine its star charts with lost satellites, random signals, and alien broadcasts (along with occasional deactivated probe data) to make a list of all the Earths, while triangulating planetoids, asteroids, threats to the universes' very existence, and so on.