(Shown above: Earth-Infinity, camera is at the dimension of the Beholder (not shown), the moon orbiting: storage asteroid, and the light is the portal to the world of the Exalted Ones.)

Prepare Thyselves... for a journey... beyond all others... For this grand voyage leads into... the Multiverse of Lore.

(This is a nonprofit website. We are trying to remove all copyright violations at this time. Please don't sue us that fast. We are doing our best and will open up a Q/A and Repair form.)

Enjoy! (MANCM was originally "Mr Ancona's New Cinematic Multiverse", it now has a different un-abbreviation/meaning in-universe.)

In-universe definition of the MANCM: Multipurpose Advanced Neo Canonical Multiverse...

This is a shared combined multiverse containing the worlds of Ayan, Ethan, Hank, Joe, Matt, Remy, Vincent, and Yash. (Alphabetical order, next is in order of joining:)

Real order: Ethan, Ayan, Matt, Hank, Yash, Joe, Remy, and Vincent.

Updated version: Ethan, Remy, Vincent, Hank, Matt, Joe, Yash, and Ayan.

Final version: Ethan, Remy, Vincent, Matt, Ayan, Yash, Hank, and Joe.)

We had something below, but it vanished... Not that important, though.

(Ignore the stuff below! Unless you need the full lore that badly...)

Notes to self: (Basically a collection of all alternate "Jo" names: Jo-Sta, Gio-Ster)

Joejoe Joe-star is copyrighted, replace with Joe-joe Joffray. (Task complete, meet Jojio Joe...)

Lineage a' Joes: Cup O' Joe, Nice-N-Fiery Joe, Joejoe Gioster, Joe Giofrahm, Jo Jester, Giojo Jo

Joe (Joseph _____) His ability (Trace-merged form, it got merged with him during REBOOT, with Joe Cena becoming the Trace.) is actually Joe-joe (Joffrey) in the story of REBOOT, but it used to be his trace; Joe used to turn into Joe Cena, leaving that ability seemingly forever in Generation 2. Trace cry/yell: To be made and added, TBMAA, it's likely "SORA!!!/SCRAM (x3) -BLE-POWER!!!") - Joey Goizxav, Joj-Oo-Oo-Oo, Joe(h)n Cena, Joe Pajoyi, Not-Jeff/Jeffrey

(Direct children due to being a branch timeline:) The full lineage: Jonithin Gionerational (1), Josphe Joffray (2), Joterin Kujoe-in-uzo (3), Josulk Higashigiotoe (4), Giongster Giovenni (5), Joaltane Cujo-yam-kuza (6), Johnny Jophm (7), Josulk Josheanstere (8), Jolandio Josephine, Draginoa Ma-joe-fia (9) [Also: Joejoe {"Joe(h)n" *(Demolition) Seewa}, "_ Bunny", "_ Singer"]

Part 10... here: A few million years later, you end up with Joe (full name: Joseph, with Jojio, Joken, Joppy, Gogio, Jow, and Joq being distant adopted-into-family members) ___ (Gioster)