QUarter 1

Standards and Resources

Q1 Reading


In Quarter 1 students will focus on developing inferencing skills and identifying basics such as character, setting, plot and key details. The opportunity for novel studies presents with texts like Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Frindle.

Q1 Writing: Composition and Language


Students will develop the building blocks of writing skills during 1st Quarter, focusing on writing routinely across all disciplines, summarizing and will practice skills that will aid in inquiry needed in Science and Social Studies.

Reading Q1

Composition and Assessment Samples

Writing Q1

Sample Composition and Assessment Lessons.

Click the image

Reading Q1

Sample lessons and units are located in 4th grade shared drive. Copy to your personal drive for use.

Click the image

Writing Q1

Sample lessons and units are located in 4th grade shared drive. Copy to your personal drive for use.

This is where we will put PoG connections

This is where we will put interdisciplinary connections