Add a Form/Schedule/Page

Step 1. Log into your account at

Step 2. Select "Work With Filing" in blue on the right side of your screen.

Step 3. From the Navigation Page, select "Edit a Return in Progress" in green.

Step 4. Now you will be on the Return Summary page. On the left of your screen, you will be able to see all the forms currently in your return listed under Forms In Return. 

There are two ways to add forms to your return. 

The first option, you can utilize the "Search for a Form" bar on the top left of your screen. 

The second option, you can select "Federal" in the blue section under Forms In Return. From there, you can select a category (e.g. Income, Adjustments, Deductions, etc.) and view all of the forms and schedules that we offer. Click on the form or schedule that you would like to add.

Step 5. Select "+ Add New" and proceed with inputting your information into the form or schedule. Please ensure to select "Save and Continue" after making any changes to your return.

All forms, schedules, and pages that have been added will be listed under Forms In Return. You can review/edit your information at anytime by clicking on the page name.

Forms that are not listed under Forms In Return, have not been added to your return.