Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center

The Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center (INSTRC) is a project of the Center on Community Living and Careers (CCLC). CCLC is one of six research centers and an Indiana University disability-focused library at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community.

Mission Statement:
The Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center (INSTRC) creates and enhances professional development activities and resources to improve school and post-school outcomes for students with disabilities. Driven by current transition research and effective practices, the center partners with schools, families, students, and community organizations to build statewide and local capacity for improving post-school outcomes.

Our work is centered on:

  • Student-focused planning through the development of quality Transition IEPs and planning strategies to promote student involvement and participation.

  • Student development by providing the foundation for quality transition services that includes access to effective academic and life skills instruction, work-based learning, career and technical education, employment skills, and transition assessment.

  • Family involvement by building partnerships through training and empowerment.

  • Interagency collaboration to enhance a seamless system of transition through a coordinated service delivery system with community organizations and service providers.

  • Program structures to enhance school cultures and climates that effectively and efficiently improve service delivery and outcomes.


Contact Information

Indiana University
2810 East Discovery Parkway, Bloomington, IN 47408
Phone: 812-855-6508
Fax: 812-855-9630

Judith Gross, Ph.D., Director