
We service southern Indiana's Medicaid Waiver for developmentally and intellectually disabled individuals. We provide RESPITE/PAC/DHI/RHS services. We employee a vast array of staff: PRN, DSP, Service Coordinators, Program Supervisors, and Directors for all counties south of Terre Haute and Bloomington. We have offices in Jasper, Indiana and Evansville, Indiana.

Compass Vision
It is the vision of Compass that all individuals with developmental disabilities will have an equal and valued place in their chosen communities.

Compass Mission
The mission of Compass is to support individuals in finding opportunities to live a meaningful and fulfilling life in the direction of their choice.

Compass Core Values
Compass hopes to assist individuals by adhering to our guiding principles:

  • Self-Determination – Compass believes that all people have a rightful place in society. People with developmental disabilities are at risk of being devalued and may need help to attain valued social roles and valued lives. Compass is committed to assisting individuals in developing and maintaining relationships, opportunities, and living arrangements which are fulfilling, meaningful, and of the individual’s choice. This includes the right of basic human dignity. People with developmental disabilities should be afforded the same dignity and respect as individuals without disabilities. Individuals will be encouraged to express individuality, make choices, select and maintain possessions, and will be afforded privacy and treated with respect.

  • Community Integration and Inclusion – Compass will support individuals to become valued members of the communities in which they live. This includes attending public school, seeking employment at community businesses, shopping at local stores, using community recreation facilities, and receiving health services in the offices of community physicians, dentists, and clinics.

  • Meaningful Day – Compass is committed to providing learning opportunities throughout an individual’s day. These opportunities may occur on a formal basis as part of a daily schedule, or on an informal basis by taking advantage of every opportunity to address the individual’s needs.

  • Protection from Harm – Compass is responsible for ensuring that the people we serve are safe from harmful environments, abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Compass is committed to providing the safest possible living and working environments for staff and individuals. It is our goal to increase safety and health consciousness and to reduce injuries and property damage.

Contact Information

701 N. Weinbach, Suite 810, Evansville, IN 47711
Phone: 812-712-4155
Fax: 812-473-5717

Melissa Sullivan, Director of Community Services
Phone: 270-302-1931

Candis Helm, Program Director