Indiana Works

Indiana Works is the Work Incentive Planning Assistance (WIPA) project of The Social Security Administration for the state of Indiana. The mission of WIPA services is: “To promote employment and enhance self-sufficiency”. Community Work Incentive Coordinators (or CWICs) do this by providing Social Security benefits counseling services and information on issues directly relating to employment.

What we DO: IS FREE

  • verify current assistance being provided through T2, T16, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, HUD, etc. using Release forms and protecting PII.

  • provides planning and assistance to encourage disability recipients to return to work (such as assisting with preparing PASS plans and directing SSI recipients to Social Security offices regarding work incentive issues)

  • helps disability recipients and their families determine potential eligibility for federal or state work incentives programs (including programs other than Social Security programs, such as utility subsidy and housing programs)

  • refers disability recipients to appropriate ENs or state departments of rehabilitation based on individual needs and impairment types

  • provides information about employee-based or federally subsidized health benefits coverage (Medicare or Medicaid) available to those who enter the workforce

  • informs disability recipients of the protection and advocacy services available to them (PABSS)

  • coordinates efforts of various agencies working with the disabled to assist them in returning to work (including state departments of rehabilitation, ENs, one-stops, and the WIPAs themselves), and

  • maintains longer term communications to disability recipients to advise them of the availability of WIPA services.

Contact Information

Fax: 812-482-2913

Brian Ketzner, Community Work Incentive Coordinator
812-634-2617, ext. 2012