Best Practices for IEP and ETR
Welcome to Best Practices for IEP and ETR.
This website contains 5 Modules: The ETR, The IEP, The ETR to IEP Connection, The Internal Monitoring Process, and Connecting Internal Monitoring Processes to Your District One Plan.
Each module contains several pages that break down each part of the main topic of the module. This website is not designed to be viewed in any specific order or time line but rather it is intended to be used as an "on-demand" resource for information and resources as needed.
If further assistance is needed with any of the topics included in this course, please do not hesitate to reach out
All Required and Optional Forms can be found on the Ohio Department of Education Website
The IEP and the ETR forms (dynamic) have "roll-over" guidance available for each form
Universal Supports Materials for School Aged IEP, ETR, and Transition can be found here
Universal Support Materials for Preschool IEP and ETR can be found here.
Indicator 12: Early Childhood Transition
Preschool Children and Speech or Language Impairment
Preschool Inclusion Guidance Document
Preschool LRE Guiding Questions
Preschool Special Education Frequently Asked Questions
Preschool to Kindergarten IEP Transition Guidance can be found here.
Preschool Transportation Guidance
Transition from Early Intervention to Preschool (Indicator 12) Guidance
For a deeper dive into increasing the quality of your special education please visit this Canvas Course
Systemic Planning for Students with Disabilities
For information about Transition Planning, please visit these Canvas Courses