Technology Team

Elkhorn Technology Team

We view this as an exciting opportunity for our students on many levels! One particular benefit lies in the area of technology support of hardware and software.

Each high school has a space in the media center that functions like a tech-help/repair area. Media Specialist, District Technology Techs and the student technology team will get to work in this area during all seven periods of the day. Ideally, we would have about 20 students on each technology team.

Students would need to be enrolled in a study hall and the period would be treated like a Teacher Assistant period. Students would earn .5 credit for each semester.

If you have a unique talent for technology, are one that people are always asking for assistance, or are just great at problem-solving, this is a great experience for you! Or perhaps, you simply want to learn! We provide training, so don't feel like you need to walk in knowing it all ...perhaps you are simply interested in learning! When we don't have repairs, Tech Team behaves as a study hall time.

Each Spring semester, there will be a selection process to ensure best-fit for the next year of the program.

We view this student computer-tech program as a WIN-WIN. Students and teachers get needed tech assistance and a targeted group of students get training and hands-on experience that could open college/career doors.

Questions? Please contact your school's Media Specialist and/or your Counselor.