Job Shadowing

(NO SCHOOL MISSED-Completed after-school, on weekends, and/or during breaks.)

Job Shadowing Opportunities

(By Career Cluster)

If you career interest area currently shows no options available, please contact your counselor and 

we'll work to find a job shadowing opportunity for you in your career interest area!  

Job Shadowing Opportunity Form: Students will be complete this Job Shadowing Opportunity Form in advance, which will be open to only EPS students. 

If students do not know a specific business, or career field of interest, they need to schedule a time to meet with their counselor to discuss their interests, goals, and options prior to filling out this form.

Job Shadowing Opportunities will take place during NON-SCHOOL HOURS, do not require school approval to complete, and there is no limit as to how many job shadowing opportunities you can participate in throughout the year. 

Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources

Architecture & Construction

Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, & Communications

Business Management & Administration

Education & Training


Government & Public Administration

Health Science

Ms. Kristin Burns

Community Outreach Recruiter

825 S 169th Street

Omaha, NE 68118

Office: 402.654.4861

Cell: 402.679.7801​

Hospitality & Tourism

Human Services

Information Technology

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security



Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics

Note: Career Awareness opportunities during school hours are not excused as school activities,

unless special permission is given such as an approved class field trip.