Elkhorn High
Career Exploration Day
SCHOOL MISSED-Completed during school hours & requires forms to be completed to be approved.
OBJECTIVE: To encourage participation in and amplify the need for career exploration of a variety of careers while still in high school. Thus providing the students with the ability to gather as much information about the career(s) and exposure to the real world workforce. This process will aid students in making better informed decisions regarding their chosen career paths and future career goals. All students will be allotted one (1) day per school year to use as a Career Exploration Day with the absence being marked as a school activity. This day will be made available to ALL STUDENTS IN GRADES 9-12 during the months of SEPTEMBER THROUGH APRIL (excluding finals week in December and ACT testing day) to encourage each to spend a day with professionals in their career field(s) of interest.
Should a student request to miss a school day for the Career Exploration Day, each of the following four (4) steps will need to be completed to have this absence approved:
Step 1-Online Career Exploration Day Request Form: Students will be required to complete this Online Career Exploration Day Request Form in advance, which will be open to only EPS students.
If students do not know a specific business, or career field of interest, they need to schedule a time to meet with their counselor to discuss their interests, goals, and options prior to filling out this form.
Step 2-Initial Meeting & Career Exploration Day Activity Absence-Assignment Form: Students will schedule a brief meeting with their counselor to take place one (1) week prior to the career exploration date that was indicated on the Online Career Exploration Day Request Form from Step 1 to discuss details and pick-up the required Career Exploration Day Activity Absence-Assignment Form (due before the CED) and the Career Exploration Day Verification Form (due the day after the CED).
Step 3-Career Exploration Day Verification Form: The student will need to return to this verification form to their counselor on the next school day following the exploration experience.
Step 4-Student/Counselor Follow-up: Students will complete a follow-up item within Naviance regarding the Career Exploration Day experience which could be accessed by their counselor, administration, and career awareness adviser for future discussions regarding career explorations and future goals. The counselor will notify the appropriate office personnel of the activity absence and may also follow-up with the business contact provided to receive verification that the exploration day was scheduled and completed as indicated.