College & Career Resources

Comprehensive College & Career Readiness Resources

Bureau of Labor Statistics 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides information pertaining to economics and careers. A wide variety of career outlook, salary/wages, and projected growth information are all available and updated regularly.

Career Clarity Guide 

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Programs - If you are thinking of any kind of healthcare profession, this is a great way to start exploring your career options and get patient care experiences while also earning a wage. A list of Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Programs in the metro area are available here.

DREAM IT. DO IT. NEBRASKA - The Dream It. Do It. Initiate is designed to raise awareness of manufacturing and STEM related business careers to reflect its true status as advanced, high-tech, in-demand skills; creating programs that support students, identify global challenges and education paths to obtain skills that lead to good paying careers in advanced manufacturing and related business. 

STEM Match: With numerous career and educational opportunities available in advanced manufacturing and related businesses, you can find a career doing what you enjoy! Take the career quiz to find your future in manufacturing and related careers!

Debt-Free Degree Resources & Tools

Free downloads and tools designed to help you manage your relationships, money and education are available here! Search over 10,000 scholarships and grants and get free, customized results to help you graduate debt‑free. 

EducationQuest Foundation has college planning offices in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, and Scottsbluff where we have resources that help students and parents:

All services are free and most are by appointment to provide families with one-on-one assistance.

Students and parents also learn about college planning and financial aid through our statewide college fairs, educational planning programs, and financial aid programs. See our events calendar for programs near you.


Reaching over 50,000 high school students in over 35 Nebraska High Schools. The people at eMAGINIT recognize how important it is to find a satisfying and rewarding career. We are dedicated to empowering you in this journey by providing a 'Road Map' that connects your dreams and aspirations with the best career information, quality educational options and the real world work experiences that match your strongest interests and passions.

Metropolitan Community College-Career Exploration

Do you need help with defining your career, confirming choices, discovering and exploring careers, or setting career and personal goals? Contact your Success Navigator or Academic Advisor, visit MCC's Career Exploration website, and explore the video resources below to identify occupations and connect them to potential majors. 

My Next Move

An interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options. My Next Move has tasks, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers. Users can find careers through keyword search; by browsing industries that employ different types of workers; or through the O*NET Interest Profiler, a tool that offers personalized career suggestions based on a person's interests and level of work experience. 

Click here to access the site.


Naviance Family Connection is a comprehensive website that assists Elkhorn families in managing the college and career planning process.

Click here for EHS Naviance Access

Click here for ENHS Naviance Access

Click here for ESHS Naviance Access

Nebraska Career Connections

Nebraska Career Connections provides education and career planning resources to bring Nebraskans together-students, parents, educators, adults, and employers. Whether you're planning for life after high school, exploring career options, or creating a portfolio of materials for a job search, this system can provide you with the tools needed.

Interest, Skills, & Work Values Assessment Activation Codes-Contact Ms. Buurman at for current access codes for EHS, ENHS, and ESHS.

NEworks is the official Nebraska government website that contains labor market information for job seekers and employers.

O*NET Online: Welcome to your tool for career exploration and job analysis! O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!

The Startup Collaborative is an on-demand accelerator that radically improves the odds of success for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who aim to build a high-growth, software-centric companies in the Midwest.  Our company-building methodology helps founders start up, quickly find product-market fit and tackle the early challenges of scale in a way that increases the odds of success and buys down all potential risks associated with starting up and innovation. 

UNK Industrial Distribution majors at the University of Nebraska at Kearney are prepared for careers in technical sales and for future business leadership roles. They are provided with professional, technical, business, communication and leadership competencies. The curriculum for Industrial Distribution students comes from the leaders in manufacturing and distribution and from the U.S. Department of Labor, and includes an emphasis on six key areas: agriculture, chemical and pharmaceutical, electrical, instruments, mechanical equipment and supplies, and medical. Graduates have the scientific, technical, product and industry business knowledge to excel in their career.  Click here to learn more!

College & Career Exploration Resources

Interested in the behavioral health careers pathway? In Nebraska, 88 of 93 counties are recognized as mental health professional shortage areas (U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration). Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska's mission is to improve access to behavioral health care across the state of Nebraska by developing a skilled and passionate workforce. Check-out the BHECN's website for:

Drug Rehab by Advanced Recovery Systems

The job market for careers in mental health and addiction medicine is growing because of an increased demand for substance abuse treatment. Most jobs in the behavioral health care field require some type of higher education, and higher-level jobs often require experience in the field. To learn more regarding careers in the fields of mental health and addiction click here.

Nebraska Community College Association: Nebraska community colleges provide efficient, hands-on training at an affordable price for students who are eager to join the workforce in a short amount of time. And for students who want to continue their education, there are numerous transfer options for students who want to reduce their college debt and still pursue a four-year degree. 

Nebraska Department of Education

Search careers in Nebraska and nationwide. Great resource for Nebraska Career Tours, Hot Jobs, Career Readiness, and more!

Click here to access the site.


NGPF partnered with McKinney (creators of the popular game, Spent) to create PAYBACK, a simulation that will challenge students as they make dozens of decisions with a goal of graduating from college.  

Tuition Tracker

Tuition Tracker is an interactive tool designed to help parents and students find the “right” college or university among thousands by using search criteria, such as desired location, price and size, to filter results. 


YouthRules! is an initiative to promote positive and safe work experiences for teens by distributing information about young workers to youth, parents, employers and educators. Components of the initiative include a website, printed materials, outreach events, training seminars and partnering activities.