Celebrating our Graduates

Jonathan Sebban


Started at Emanuel in 2008

Awards: Proxime Accessit Duci, All-Round Participation, Bnai B'rith Singers Perpetual Prize for Outstanding Commitment to Choir, History Extension, Mathematics Extension 1, Modern History

ATAR: 99.60

Emanuel School allows for freedom of thought and the creation of an open-minded perspective that provokes consideration of all sides of every story, enabling academic and social development.

Jonathan (Jono) considers Emanuel his second home, having been at the School for the past 14 years. It has served as the central feature of his childhood and shaped the person he has become and the close relationships he has developed.

Jono fondly remembers all the way back to nap times and doing puzzles in Pre-school, Aeroplane Day in Year 1, Bathurst Camp in Year 5, Year 9 Ski Camp, the Jilkminggan Trip in Year 9 and Chavayah in Year 10. He does wish nap times were maintained throughout school! Friday morning Kabbalat Shabbat in High School is a stand-out, as were the many sporting carnivals.

As a Madrich during 2020, Jonathan was able to support fellow students through uncertain times and is proud of successfully planning and running the first ever virtual Night of Dangerous Debate. He would like to be remembered as someone to whom people could turn for both academic and social support and a friend who is open to talking to anyone about anything.

Jono is an exceptional student and hopes his teachers would describe him as consistently engaged and always willing to actively participate in class. He has learnt about the importance of keeping an open mind, which has enabled him to approach the world in a similar way and is committed to applying this throughout his life.

He thanks his teachers for guiding him through his studies and personal development and feels that their constant presence has helped shape the person he has become.

Described as outgoing and kind by his peers, Jono can always be relied upon and is known for his love of a “good conversation”.

Jono plans to study at university and travel the world when possible.