Celebrating our Graduates

Ethan De Melo

Started at Emanuel in 2008

20th in the State in Modern History

Awards: Academic Excellence, Contribution to Sport, Legal Studies

ATAR: 99.25

Emanuel provides a positive environment based on care and acceptance, allowing each individual to embrace their individuality.

Ethan credits Emanuel School for helping him develop strong foundations of resilience, humility and diligence, enabling him to flourish and excel. Being at Emanuel has helped him learn the importance of integrity, perseverance and goal setting.

Chavayah and Ayekah are two of the many Emanuel experiences that helped him develop lifelong friendships and encouraged a greater understanding of his Jewish identity.

Ethan would like to be remembered for his academic and sporting commitment and is proud of representing Australia in futsal as a member of the Men’s Futsalroos at the 2019 AFC Champions League.

Ethan is diligent and hard-working and credits his teachers for helping him develop a strong work ethic. He is grateful for how approachable his teachers have been and their positive influence has motivated him to work even harder in his HSC year. Ethan’s dedication is admired by his peers and friends and he is known for his reliable and humble nature. He is generous with his time and of sharing his talents.

In 2021, Ethan would like to attend university and coach futsal with young kids and his goal is to play futsal at an international level.