Quarter 3

5th Grade Guidance

(4 Day Rotation)

Second STEP Skills for Social and Academic Success:

Second STEP Lessons, Concepts, Objectives.pdf

Unit 4: Bullying Prevention

Lesson #, Topic & Dates Taught

1. Recognize, Report, Refuse

Dates: 5B 02.20.19, 5C 02.21.19, 5D 02.26.19, 5A 02.27.19

Concepts: Bullying is mean or hurtful behavior that keeps happening. It is unfair and one-sided. Adult intervention is often required to end bullying effectively. Refusing bullying means to use words or actions to stop bullying. Being assertive is one way to refuse or stop bullying.

We Can: Understand that bullying is different from conflict. Recognize and identify different types of bullying behaviors. Understand you can refuse bullying in different ways. Demonstrate assertively reporting and refusing bullying.

We Will: Look at examples of what bullying is, story & discussion part 1 & part 2, practice scenarios with a partner, recognize, report, refuse worksheet with partner.

Unit 4: Bullying Prevention

2. Bystander Power

Dates: 5B 02.28.18, 5C 03.01.19, 5D 03.04.19 5A 03.05.19

Concepts: Bystanders are people who see or know about bullying happening to others, witnessing bullying can trigger uncomfortable feelings, there are many ways bystanders can help stop bullying.

We Can: Define bystander, Identify ways bystanders can support someone being bullied, identify ways bystanders can help stop bullied.

We Will: Story & discussion part 1 & part 2, activity bystanders hero comic-create final frame, bystander power worksheet with partner.

Unit 4: Bullying Prevention

3. Bystander Responsibility

Dates: 5B 03.06.19, 5C 03.07.19, 5D 03.08.19, 5A 03.11.19

Concepts: Bystanders have a responsibility to help stop bullying. Bystanders can choose to either help stop bullying or become part of the bullying problem.

We Can: Understand how bystanders can be part of the bullying problem, understand that helping stop bullying is the right thing to do, and decide on and practice positive bystander responses to bullying.

We Will: Story & discussion part 1 & part 2, practice three scenarios with your partner doing the right thing when you are a bystander to bullying, bystander responsibility worksheet with your partner.

Unit 4: Bullying Prevention

4. Bystanders to Cyber Bullying

Dates: 5B 03.12.19, No School-ice day 5C 03.13.19, 5D 03.14.19, 5A 03.20.19

Concepts: Cyber bullying is bullying using electronic technology. There are similarities and differences between cyber bullying and other forms of bullying. Bystanders can do things to help stop cyber bullying.

We Can: Recognize and identify different ways of cyber bullying. Understand that cyber bullying can be even more harmful than other types of bullying. Demonstrate ways to support and/or stand up for a person being cyber bullied.

We Will: Identify cyber bullying examples, story & discussion part 1 & part 2, partner activity practice 3 scenarios of being a bystander to cyber bullying who does the right thing, worksheet with your partner bystanders to cyber bullying.

Puberty Education:

Dates: 03.18.19 and 03.19.19

Concepts: Changes in the body during puberty. How to use products, deodorant, eating healthy, exercise, sleep, emotional well being, hormones, skin care and mouth care.

We Can: Recognize the changes in our bodies and make healthy choices in food, sleep, how to ask for help, products to use and self cares.

We Will: Care for our bodies and love our changing self!

Unit 5: Child Protection:

1. Keeping Yourself Safe

Dates: 5B 03.21.19, 5C 03.22.19, 5D 03.25.19, 5A 03.26.19

Concepts: When you're on your own or just with friends, you are responsible for your own safety. It's important to know what to do and who to contact in case of emergency.

Ways to Stay Safe:

          • Recognize: Is it safe?
          • Report: Tell an adult.
          • Refuse: Say words that mean no.

We Can: Apply the Ways to Stay Safe in response to scenarios. Recognize, report, refuse.

We Will: Use the Ways to Stay Safe in real life scenarios.

Unit 5: Child Protection:

2. Always Ask First

Dates: 5B 03.27.19, 5C 03.28.19, 5D 03.29.19, 5A 04.01.19

Concepts: Always ask a parent or the person in charge first before going somewhere, doing something, or accepting something from someone. (Always Ask First Rule) Following the Always Ask First Rule helps you stay safe. If you are on your own, waiting until you can ask first will help keep yourself safe.

We Can: Identify how to apply the Always Ask First Rule in response to scenarios. Identify how to use the Ways to Stay Safe in response to scenarios.

We Will: Practice situations when to use the Ways to Stay Safe and Always Ask First Rule to be able to apply to real life situations.