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Young Female Heroines in Fiction And in Film

The popularity of series, books and movies with strong female main characters is rising, and it's rising fast. Why is it that this trope is making rounds in the heads of today’s youth?

First off, is the fact that throughout the decades of the film industry growing, women have been portrayed through the "male gaze". The male gaze meaning that mostly all female characters have been portrayed as how men would like them to be. A woman specifically designed to be "everything a man could want". The whole package essentially.

Therefore, it is no surprise that refreshing characters, such as Katniss Everdeen, are popular. She has her own motives that have nothing to do with a man, she isn't unrealistic and looks like she has lived through an apocalyptic period, just like the world of The Hunger Games is supposed to be like.

In order to produce a great character that people will remember and continue to support, there has to be something to relate to in that specific character. We cannot look perfect every hour of the day, and I think that is exactly why these types of characters are popular. When we are finally shown a character who isn't perfect 24/7, doesn't wake up with flawless skin and who struggles throughout the movie, we feel validated.

It is these types of characters that make us want to be something. We want to be like them. Not because they look great, but because they are heroes who help and achieve. It is great that this genre of fantasy and action is picking up. Representation matters for all, and I think that it is a huge benefit.