Molly Blarasin

Student Name: Molly Blarasin

Title of Artwork: State of Mind

Media Area: Painting

Statement of Intent: We all struggle to accept our flaws and move away from stereotypes and body images that others put onto our society in order to make sense of who is beautiful, successful or even healthy. A big influence can be our own friends or family on social media posting unrealistic and edited photos, and in turn, we get self-conscious and doubt ourselves. I depict this notion embodied in a woman, she has been torn apart by others light-hearted words or criticisms, as well as her own self-doubt. She is in a dark place with social media acting as her sun, her god and fixates on likes, follows and comments from others, big or small. My artwork addresses the problems to do with our society comparing one’s self to others and creating unrealistic images of what we should be. To counter act all of this negativity I have created an image of accepting our self through fabricating the long, hard process into self-love. I was influenced by Frida Kahlo’s message of pain and anguish and by Edvard Munch’s expressive painting style.

State of Mind (detail)