Students That Are Blind or Visually Impaired

So you have a student who is blind or visually impaired?

This role may seem extremely daunting to you or maybe you are excited to learn more about this student’s specific needs and jump in. Either way, today’s session will provide you with a brief overview of blindness and visual impairment  and general information about staff expectations, members of the learning team, equipment and technology needed, where to find more info for professional development, and more. Please come with questions and I’ll do my best to answer them during the session or shortly after. This session will help get you started on the awesome journey of teaching students with this unique need. 

Topics covered in this session include:

·         An introduction to vision loss; impact on learning and classroom

·          implications.

·         Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment: educational implications and

·          considerations

·         The importance of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) for instruction,

·          ISP development and assessment.

·         A hands on look at some of the tactiles and technology used by visually

·          impaired students.

·         A chance to ask specific questions regarding your students' needs.