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Audience: Div 3 & 4

Facilitator: Scott Hebert

Description: Children, and adults for that matter, have never been more engaged by games than they are now. Why is that though? What draws people so deeply into games? What brings them back and what drives them to keep trying to improve in the face of great adversity? Can you harness the psychology behind game creation and turn your class into something all students will beg to be in? In an education system designed where students start with 100% and lose as they go Gamification flips this concept onto its head focusing on the individual’s progression while increasing both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation exponentially. Can anyone do this? I am here to tell you that you can and it is easier than you think! I have successfully turned my Grade 8 science course into a live action role playing game. There is no need to know video games as many seem to think when they hear “gamification”. Students compete against the teacher, each other, other teams and other classes in an effort to level up and progress! Sounds intimidating but it is not! You will walk out of this session inspired and driven to make changes to your teaching Will you press start? Session includes 2 free books which act as start to finish guides and access to my Google Drive folder with everything I’ve created.