
Turnitin solutions promote academic integrity, streamline grading and feedback, deter plagiarism, and improve student outcomes. This site enables students and teachers to load student essays to check for plagiarism.

Do you need a Teacher Account for Turnitin?

Important changes have been made to how staff access Turnitin. In the past, teachers were able to enroll themselves under the Responsive Ed account by using the account name and "join key". Now all teachers and staff using Turnitin are required to have their own teacher account to use the platform.

To get a teacher account for Turnitin, please submit a Ticket using the ResponsiveEd Service Desk. Specifically, select "New Account Set-Up" under General Help and check the Turnitin option. Be sure to list your first name, last name, and email in the Description box. Once the account has been established, an email will be sent with a username and password along with instructions on next steps.

Turninit Support Materials

Turnitin Tech Support

Turnitin tech support is also available for teachers via tiisupport@turnitin.com