Programs & Software

"It's not a bug, it's an undocumented feature." -Anonymous

Here you will find resources for the various academic software programs utilized by schools within Responsive Education Solutions. For questions regarding each particular software program, please click on the link below to contact the ResponsiveEd representative.

Agilix Buzz (aka Buzz) is the district-adopted learning management system. Comprehend curriculum, for grades 3-12 is available on Buzz. Buzz is the primary LMS for all Premier HS and iSchool high sites.

The web-based applications provided by DMAC exist to supply Texas educators with state-of-the-art tools and services necessary to develop and improve the quality of education provided to students. Among the resources and tools, it provides educators with:

- Data disaggregation (STAAR, TELPAS, etc.).

- Generate, administer and report on TEKS-based local assessments.

- Student Achievement/Progress Monitoring.

Jupiter Ed is a web-based Gradebook that includes the SIS, LMS and Analytics. Their goals include the following:

- Help students learn more and learn faster with interactive, engaging content, and stay on top of their homework.

- Help parents stay informed and involved in their children’s education.

- Help teachers monitor their students’ progress, collaborate on curriculum, flip the classroom, and spend less time on grading and data entry.

- Help schools make more informed decisions, and operate more efficiently on limited budgets.

- Help publishers convert to interactive online curriculum of higher quality.

Reading A-Z is an online resource for teachers who teach reading. It provides teachers with leveled readers from level aa-Z2. It provides resources and lesson plans for teachers to use from decodable books to novels, and even allows teachers to project books when necessary. It offers a variety of genres, from informational, fiction, poetry and drama. Reading A-Z provides books in English, Spanish and French with approximately 2,500 downloadable resources for grades spanning from Kindergarten - 8th grades, with special educational resources, writing, vocabulary as well as resources for our English Language Learner (ELL) population.

STEMscopes is a science web-based resource for Classical and STEM Academies. This curriculum provides a hands-on approach to science with inquiry-based instruction to promote engagin, collaborative education for students. STEMscopes offers a variety of assessments as well as math and ELAR connections based on 100% TEKS aligned science content.

Study Island is remediation software that is being used to help students reach their potentials. What is special about Study Island is that it is currently able to custom-design lessons and assignments in Reading and Math based on Students’ (3-12) scores on MAP, thereby helping prepare them for the STAAR. Study Island is not currently being offered to grades K-2 or in Founder’s Classical Academies.