Nuclear Technology


Nuclear technology is technology that involves the nuclear reactions within atomic nuclei. There is a wide variety of different application for this science, such as nuclear reactors for creating energy, nuclear medicine for researching and treating radiation based diseases and ailments, and finally and perhaps most importantly, nuclear weaponry which has been used to cause mass destruction and to create energy to power some of the world's largest cities.

Research Question

How has nuclear technology affected economies in the Western World?

International Impact

Before taking a look at the Western World specifically, it is important to understand how it has affected the world as a whole.

Nuclear Energy

Although the initial research into nuclear technology was focused on the production of bombs in the 1940's, the 1950's saw a shift of focus to more peaceful and more productive uses of atomic reactions. The idea was to harness the energy released by splitting an atom of certain elements, and the means to this end came to be known as nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors come in a variety of forms, but conventional reactors use the heat energy produced by the atoms to create steam, which in turn powers turbines that create electricity. This process, shown to right, is currently responsible for producing around 11% of the world's energy from 450 reactors , as well as the second largest producer of low-carbon energy (World Nuclear, 2018).

Nuclear Medicine

Though the field of nuclear medicine is relatively new, there are many useful applications. One of the most important among them is nuclear medicine imaging. According to, nuclear imaging uses small amounts of radioactive material called radiotracers that are put into the body where they emit gamma rays which can be used to take comprehensive images of the body much like an x-ray (Radiology, 2018).

Nuclear Weaponry

Lastly, and arguably most importantly, nuclear technology has contributed to the modern world not only by providing energy and medicine, but also by providing a means of creating mass destruction. Nuclear weapons release massive amounts of energy through nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or a combination of both (Norris, 2018). These nuclear bombs, or nukes, have been instrumental in shaping modern politics and power standings. Historically, nukes have been used only once in combat on August 6th 1945. Set on ending WWII on the Japanese front, the US developed two nukes: Little Boy and Fat Man. Code named Project Manhattan, this program sought to end the war by inflicting such heavy casualties that the Japanese would end their military campaigns. These detonations, shown to the right, killed millions on impact and irradiated the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima for generations to come. Since then, the use of nuclear weapons have been declared war crimes by the Geneva Convention of 1949. Currently, nukes have been a point of contention in peace talks between the US and North Korea, with the world fearing the possible nuclear capabilities of the Kim regime.

Economic and Political Impact on the Western World

Now that we have defined and described some of these technologies, it's time to take a look at the economic impact that they have had on the Western World (i.e. North American and European countries).

The United States

One of the countries that has been most heavily impacted by nuclear technology is the United States. As a world superpower, the US has been a leader in the development and production of nuclear tech. Notably, the US first started developing nuclear tech with the aforementioned bombs during World War II, however after the war concluded they shifted their focus towards more productive applications. This came to be as nuclear energy, and the US was instrumental in the development of the modern techniques used to generate energy for untold millions of people. Also of note, the US medical industry has been at the forefront of nuclear medicine.

Part of the reason the US has grown from the collection of freshly liberated colonies to the world superpower it is today is due to the military and economic might demonstrated during WWII. In modern times, nuclear weapons have been used to grow the strength of nations despite their illegal status. Notably, the US raided and toppled the Iraqi regime of Sudam Hussein as punishment for his alleged possession of nuclear weapons and the human rights violations happening under his command.


Europe has seen much growth from the use of nuclear technology. One of the most widespread uses of nuclear tech in Europe is nuclear energy. Notably, France is one of the world's leaders in nuclear energy. According to World Nuclear, around 75% of France's energy is derived from nuclear plants. Additionally, an estimated quarter of the European Union's energy comes from nuclear sources. The nuclear industry has generated millions upon millions of USD for the EU.

Works Cited

1. “Nuclear Power in the World Today.” Nuclear Power Economics | Nuclear Energy Costs - World Nuclear Association, World Nuclear, Apr. 2018,

2. Radiological Society of North America, et al. “Nuclear Medicine, General.” Patient Safety - Contrast Material, 20 Apr. 2018,

3. Norris, Robert S., and Thomas B. Cochran. “Nuclear Weapon.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 20 Apr. 2018,