The Alberta Liquor Industry

How is Canada different with their alcohol distribution than other countries?

Canada runs their alcohol thought the government as apposed to private owners like we have in the US. This means most the profits from alcohol goes directly to government funding. In America we've made about $5.6 billion in the last year from alcohol taxes however in Canada the government made $26 billion from alcohol in the past year.

Public Goods

In Canada every citizen is given free health care. This is due to many different factors that allows this to happen and work steadily and efficiently. One of the main factors is that taxes are a bit higher for everyone and that means that the cost of goods is also higher. Another very big factor into this is the alcohol industry in Canada, it's works very differently then the US. They take all the profit made from the alcohol and put it into making more alcohol and whatever is left over is taken by the local province and can be used as government funding allowing them to pay some medical expenses.


In Canada the taxes are a higher percentage then anywhere in the US. The reason for this is because they have to fund a lot of citizens for medical expenses and they don't have as high of a population as America. the GDP per capita in Canada is 48,000 which means that the general population can generally afford the high tax rates

Unlike the US, Canada puts most of its taxes into other things like medicare and other public goods rather then into military funding. Canada mostly depends on the US to keep it protected and tries to stay out of big military engagements and attempts to remain peaceful unless war is declared on the US.

Government Regulations

Canada has a their acts, similar to prohibition, they have Canada’s Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act. This states that, "no person shall import, send, take or transport, or cause to be imported, sent, taken or transported, into any province from or out of any place within or outside Canada any intoxicating liquor." This essentially dictates that alcohol cannot be privately moved or made thus putting the government in control

Final Take Away

We can really see how different the alcohol industry really is in Canada versus the US. We can see how the extra money the alcohol really helps the government in providing healthcare to all its citizens. If the USA were to maybe try to take some examples from Canada we could have more money to do what we need to keep our citizens safe and happy.