Jeremy Schrieber


Who is the WHO?

The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. The WHO does work to create cures for and eradicate many of the worst diseases around the world.

Why I chose the WHO?

I chose to the WHO because they are a very interesting organization through their efforts to eradicate disease and through trying to help the world. They are the largest organization working towards the cure of diseases and have a very beneficial effect on the world. I am interested in how diseases work and find it interesting in how the WHO works to cure them. While we do not think about the WHO often we can feel their effects everyday by not having Polio or Tuberculosis.



  • Eradication of Disease
  • Increased life expectancy
  • Better healthcare


  • Increased chances of super viruses
  • Cost of funding the WHO

Research Question:

How does the WHO help developed countries?

Positive Externalities

A Positive Externality is when something good happens to a third party because of an economic transaction. This relates to the WHO because when the WHO vaccinates children around the world all people benefit through the lesser prevalence of the disease. This is able to help many people by making it so that we are all not affected by a particular disease and able to heal many people.

Supply & Demand

There is a lot of supply and demand involved in the way the WHO acts. In all countries there are people with disease who have a need for vaccines or treatments. Supply is shown in vaccines and treatments given which are able to help all the people afflicted. And when we eradicate one disease there is another one that comes up and provides more demand for the WHO to create supply for.

Economic Conclusions

Research Question: How does the WHO help developed countries?

In my research I found that through the support and helping of third world countries the WHO increases standards for all countries. By eradicating diseases the WHO is making it so that no one is affected by it. Even with the downside of having to fund the WHO instead of their own countries healthcare a country is able to decrease the chances of disease and makes a healthier world overall.