Economics of YouTube


We all hate ads, it's the reason there are so many ad blockers. However there are people that live mostly or entirely off of adds, for example Youtubers. YouTube pays Youtubers every time a add is play on one of there videos; the more adds and the more people see those ads on videos the more YouTube pays that Youtuber. However there are problems with this system, like most ad blockers, and YouTube's new way of preventing another "Logan Paul scenario" has made it very difficult for Youtubers to get ads on there videos. This has forced almost all Youtubers to partner with other companies to make enough or sometimes any money.

Also the "Logan Paul scenario" was an incident that happened late 2017, in short Logan and his brother Jack where in japan running around making YouTube videos of close to everything they did and went to a forest with the nickname "suicide forest", and the rest is petty self explanatory; filmed someone that apparently committed suicide, posted it on YouTube, started a huge controversy, and advertisers got mad at YouTube for not preventing it despite YouTube not having control of it.

Research Question

how effectively is YouTube at monetizing their protect?


Although plenty on Youtubers can't get partnerships. an example of this is a Youtuber that runs the weapon channel "ZNA productions" and is being forced to sell his new house because he can't get a partnership and isn't making money from his YouTube videos and can't pay his mortgage.

In contrast there are the "family friendly" channels, like any of the ones here that are continuing as if nothing has happened; because nothing has for them.