Econ Streaming

What Are Streaming Services? a method of transmitting or receiving data (especially video and audio material) over a computer network as a steady, continuous flow, allowing playback to proceed while subsequent data is being received.

Why did i choose this topic?

I chose this topic because I wanted to see how much streaming has affected cable users decisions to switch over to streaming services. I also chose this topic to see the growth of streaming services and the decline cable has had with streaming services being used more.

Research Question: Why are so many people using streaming services?

PART 1 Creative Destruction Due Date: May 11, 2018

Overview: 6-8 sentences providing reason for topic choice AND its connection to economics

Research Question: Creative Destruction and streaming services. Netflix has affected the video tape and disc rental. “Interestingly, Blockbuster passed up a chance in 2000 to purchase Netflix for $50 million — it’s now worth $54 billion.”(AEI). Blockbuster could have took over the streaming services but now most stores are closed. Blockbuster had a chance of taking over the video gave services, streaming services, and would not have gone out of business. Blockbuster could have bought a company that was nothing to them at the time and made more money.

PART 2, Supply and Demand Due Date: May 18, 2018

Analyze your research question through the lens of three Naked Economics concepts OR any other concepts we have discussed in class (Junior Achievement, class activity, etc.).


Streaming services


PART 3: Incentives Due date May 23/24, 2018

Because most people can start saving on cable monthly. With Hulu doing live TV you can save money from cable. Companies should also care and also separate themselves from other companies to make sure they don’t lose money. People should care because this could save them more money. My predictions is if companies don’t make this change companies like Netflix and Amazon will run other companies out of business like Xfinity.