Gun Control Reality

Gun control has been a heated topic among America for the last 20 years. You can customize guns, get scopes, extended mags, bump stocks and more. This project should clear up some false statistics that have been made. I am here today to inform people of the reality and logic of gun control and its correlation between guns and economics.

Question: How do political interest groups such as the NRA financially support politicians who agree with the NRA's or each-other's political agenda?

The NRA is a political group pushing for less gun regulation to be able to protect gun laws and let people buy more guns. The U.S. has sold 40 billion dollars worth of guns in 2015. The U.S. was also the number one country in global weapon sales in 2014. With less guns selling their are less taxes which is less money.

Below is a graph of the "gun ownership vs gun rate homicide" This shows that gun ownership has gone up, which has helped the economy.

This shows that the narrative that more guns equals more crime is wrong on a overall scale.

The Three Economic Concepts

One of the economic concepts that we chose was risk. The reason that we chose this economic concept is because their are a lot of risks when you are in the gun business because democrats can ban rifles and decrease gun production which can decrease the amount of money that you make. Something that is also a problem in this business is when the media lies about guns and gun violence which can affect your sales.

The second economic concept that we chose was portfolio. In order for you to get a gun you have to have no criminal background, no mental illness, and be eighteen years old. This is something that can also get in the way of gun sales. A lot of people may want to get a gun but they won't be able to because of one of these reasons.

The third economic concept that we chose was investment. The reason that we chose this was because the NRA tries to sell to republicans their money to support their campaign. This is something that can be an investment for the politicians. Politicians will not get a investment if they are anti-gun.

In Conclusion, those who own a gun have positively impacted the economy. As gun ownership has been increasing , the gun homicide rate has been decreasing, creating a positive impact on both the economy and society itself. The NRA supports politicians who support gun rights, increasing gun sales. The NRA spent nearly 55,000,000 dollars in 2016 on outside spending/independent campaign expenditures alone.