
What is the Premier League?

The Premier League is on of many different futbol leagues around the world. This league is in the UK and has teams like Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester United, Manchester City, and Chelsea. This is the league biggest and the best league in the world and it comes in 1st. If you still don't know what this is just google it then you will find out.

Why I chose this as my topic?

The reason that I picked this a my topic is because this is my favorite sport in the world.

How does the Premier League affect the salary of other player in other leagues?

Supply and Demand:

Supply and demand plays a big roll in fubol in many different ways. One of those ways is the players per club. What I mean about this is finding the best of the best players to play in clubs. Out of all the other player there some of them that stand out more them the others. The Premier League has a good amount of them playing in that league. Some clubs pay more then other in different leagues because the amount of great player they have on there team.


The reason that the Premier League is a monopoly is because it controls all the other leagues around it. I mean it is the big and the most popular one in the world. One big reason it controls all the other leagues is because player want to go a club that pays them the most, so the Premier League has the money to pay any player a high salary. That mean the other leagues are not as popular and don't have as much money as the Premier League. That is why they have a lower salary.

Wants and Needs:

This is the last one that I can think of. Want and Need plays a roll in fubol even if you think it doesn't it does. Futbol club need great player to play with there team, but that's if the player want to play for that team. Them mean that if a player doesn't want to play with a team they don't want to, the club losses money. In the Premier League lots of the plays want to play on team in the UK and clubs over there need great player, in the end it works out.


The Premier League affects the player salary in other team in different leagues a lot. The mean the best league to play in is the Premier League, but if you want to play in different league that is up the you or the player and how much they are getting paid in the league and club too. This is how the Premier Leagues affect the salary of player in different leagues.