Chapter 6

Be a Safe Hunter(pages 50-64 in "Today's Hunter" guide book)

  1. Guiding Questions

    • Why is Firearm Safety the most important topic of this course?

    • How do Firearm Safety Rules extend beyond hunting?

  2. Learning Targets(Objectives)

    • I can safely handle and store a firearm.

    • I understand and apply the 4 primary rules of firearm safety.

    • I can explain and demonstrate the steps for crossing an obstacle with a firearm.

    • I can describe and utilize the safety accessories needed while hunting from a boat and tree stand.

  3. Key Vocabulary

    • Sling Carry

    • Trail Carry

    • Cradle Carry

    • Elbow(Side) Carry

    • Shoulder Carry

    • Two-Handed(Ready) Carry

    • Loading

    • Unloading

    • Zone-of-Fire

    • Elevated Stands

    • Fall-Arrest Systems(FAS)

    • Flotation Devices

  4. Optional Ideas for Instructional Practices

    • Hands On Experience

      1. Instructor models the use of the following items and allows students to model when appropriate

        • Life Jacket

        • Fall-Arrest System(harness)

        • Soft sided gun case

        • Hard sided gun case

        • Haul line

        • Unloaded firearm and cleaning rod(if possible for your location)

        • Masking tape(for zones of fire activities)

        • yarn or rope

    • Walk Through Activities

      1. Safe zones of fire

        • marking the floor with masking tape in the shape of a triangle, demonstrate the safe zones of fire for 3 shooters

          1. simulate the path of an animal by rolling a ball across the floor, discuss the safe shots for each person depending on the path of the ball

      2. Proper Field Carries

        • Using a broom stick or yard stick, demonstrate and then let students practice all of the safe carry techniques

      3. Crossing obstacles

        • using a broomstick or yardstick as a simulated firearm, set up a "fence" using rope suspended between two tables

          1. model the safe firearm exchange and the crossing procedures, and have each student practice

      4. Proper Harness fit

        • using variety of harness, demonstrate how to properly put on and adjust a harness

        • Allow students to practice this process

    • Problem Based Group Discussion- Public Speaking

      1. Small groups debrief and describe their ideas to answer the following question: You are pheasant hunting with two family members and come across another group of hunters near a barbed wire fence. You immediately notice that members of the other group are making unsafe choices while crossing the fence. Brainstorm with your group a response to the following questions. How could you go about talking with the other group about making safer choices? What ways do you think you could effectively communicate the importance of hunting safely?

  5. Supplemental Videos

  6. Additional Resources

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