FHS Grading Policy

Falcon High School

Competency-Based Grading System

The Falcon High School Competency-Based Grading System applies to most academic courses*. The following four-point scale will be utilized to determine the student’s composite letter grade and GPA equivalent.

Summative Assessments

Summative Assessments (e.g. unit exams, unit projects, etc.) will constitute 85% of the student’s overall achievement grade.

Upon return to the student, all summative assessments will contain both a grade as well as clear and concise teacher feedback in order to inform both student and parent of the justification for the grade received.

In addition, rubrics (when applicable) will accompany/be made available for the assessment with the intention of providing additional clarity of the feedback received.

Formative Coursework

Formative Coursework (e.g. assignments, quizzes, etc.) will comprise 15% of a student’s overall achievement grade.

Upon return to the student, all summative coursework will contain both a grade as well as clear and concise teacher feedback, in order to inform both student and parent of the justification for the grade received.

In addition, rubrics (when applicable) will accompany/be made available for the coursework, with the intention of providing additional clarity of the feedback received.

Absence/Make-up Policy

Students are allowed TWO class days to complete summative coursework items for each class day in which an EXCUSED absence occurs.

In the event the summative assessment/coursework was assigned prior to and ultimately due the class period in which the absence occurred, the student will be expected to make up the summative assessment/coursework the day upon his/her return to class.

Late Work Policy

Any summative coursework not turned in when due will be considered late and thus be ineligible for a redo/retake.

However, the late summative coursework items may still be turned in for full credit if done so within THREE school days from the original due date.

Assessment and/or Coursework Redo/Retake Policy

Students will be allowed ONE redo/retake for any given summative assessment and/or coursework item*.

The deadline to complete a redo/retake is FIVE school days (one week) from the date upon which the original summative assessment and/or coursework item has been graded and returned to the student. After the five-day deadline has passed, the opportunity to “retake” ends for that specific summative assessment and/or coursework item.

Requirements for a redo/retake of a summative assessment:

All summative coursework assigned during the course of the unit must meet BOTH of the following two criteria:

1) Must be completed at a satisfactory level (C or higher (refer to description above).

2) Turned in either when due (i.e. on-time) or within the three-day late period.

If both of the above criteria are met, the student is deemed eligible for a redo/retake of the summative assessment.

Requirements for a redo/retake of a summative coursework item:

All summative coursework must be turned in on-time/when due.

* Notes:

Not all summative assessments and/or coursework items are eligible for a redo/ retake (e.g. final assessments, mid-term assessments, etc.).

The individual teacher will clearly communicate if an assessment and/or coursework item does not qualify for a redo/retake prior to and/or during the assigning of the assessment and/or coursework item.

If the student chooses to redo/retake a summative assessment and/or coursework item, the higher of the two scores received (original or redo/retake) will be the final grade earned on that specific summative assessment and/or coursework item.